This girl ready for harvest? Havent grown in a while.


Well-Known Member
Critical Sour Diesel Week 9 of flower. Is she looking ready? Haven't grown in quite some time so I'm still getting back in the swing of things. Thanks for any help 16383809489397986252934656295448.jpgPXL_20211201_173943790.jpgPXL_20211201_174106209.jpgPXL_20211201_174127516.jpg
There are new pistils, let her till reflowering ends and there are no new/fresh pistils, then when this last reflowering is ready, could be a more potent smell that you are gonna feel more in the morning (or after dark period), is the last resin coming out, and for me this is the right time to chop, idk this strain, it could be 2 weeks, but idk, you can stop feeding her and water lightly till 5 or 6 days prior harvest.

There are new pistils, let her till reflowering ends and there are no new/fresh pistils, then when this last reflowering is ready, could be a more potent smell that you are gonna feel more in the morning (or after dark period), is the last resin coming out, and for me this is the right time to chop, idk this strain, it could be 2 weeks, but idk, you can stop feeding her and water lightly till 5 or 6 days prior harvest.

lol. wtf?