This ever happen to you?


So i have this little auto blue mammoth that got a little stunted when it was younger and has taken longer to get ready for harvest, i thought the trichs where looking pretty good, and its right now 43 days old and i just put it into 2 days of night and it pushed out white pistils and new growth in the buds like crazy, considering they are still close to nill amber trichs would it be a good idea to continue into harvest or put it back into light for another week or so to allow it get more energy to grow bigger and better before harvest? IMG_0896[1].jpg keep in mind that in veg she got a pretty bad nute burn


New Member
The longer you leave that dead material attached the higher the chances of mold .. Make sure you remove all dead matter thoroughly before drying .. No point in allowing this to continue ..

Happy Harsh Free toking to you !


thanks ill be sure to remove all the dead matter before drying but do you think i should put it back into light again and then put it back into 2 days of night say a week from now or so?

oh and a few weeks ago a bit before i stopped nutes i introduced some big bud, and bud candy advanced nutrients into her feed


Well-Known Member
harvest it. lots of dead material on that plant.

looks like a few pollen sacs forming on the top of that bud. could just be the picture and the angle it was taken from.
if it is the case though, you could pollinate other plants (if you have any)