This cannabinoid is 300 percent more powerful than THC


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Perhaps you’ve heard of THC-A Crystalline, which is said to be the world’s most potent pot. With a THC content of 99.9 percent, you would think that no weed product out there could top it. But as it turns out, there’s something much, much stronger. THC-O-acetate is a cannabinoid that is supposedly two to three times more powerful than THC. Michael Starks’ book Marijuana Chemistry: Genetics, Processing, Potency even describes THC-O-acetate as being 300 percent stronger than the THC that we’re used to smoking. While research is sparse at this time, here’s what we do know about this top-secret cannabinoid.

What is THC-O-acetate?
According to D. Gold’s Cannabis Alchemy: Art of Modern Hash Making, THC-O-acetate is a brown oil that is soluble in petroleum ether, as well as ethanol.

Donald Cooper of the United States’ Drug Enforcement Agency noted that the administration first came across this cannabinoid during 1978 in Jacksonville, Florida. And apparently, it was made from THC in a similar way to how heroin is made from morphine. Yikes.

“In this case, a concentrated extract of cannabis had been obtained by a Soxhlet extraction,” reads the account written by Cooper. “The extract had been acetylated with acetic anhydride, and in the final step, the excess acetic anhydride removed by distillation.”

Ever since that finding, DEA labs have yet to encounter another sample of THC-O-acetate, although there were talks about classifying it as a controlled substance. The government decided not to proceed because the incident was isolated.

A similar case came about in 1995 in the UK. As it turns out, a man used D. Gold’s book to formulate his own THC-O-acetate extracts. Police detained the man and the THC acetate was then ruled to be a Class A drug. New Zealand police also reportedly came across THC acetate that same year as well.


Photographer: Rina Castelnuovo/Bloomberg via Getty Images
What are the effects of THC-O-acetate?
Between 1949 and 1975, the U.S. Army Chemical Crops, as part of the Edgewood Arsenal experiments, investigated THC-O-acetate as a potential non-lethal incapacitating agent. After testing it on dogs, researchers found that it had two times the ability to impair muscle coordination as THC, more formally known as “delta-9 THC.”

As for humans, Cooper says that the effects are far more psychedelic and spiritual than your ordinary bud. And unlike a couple puffs of the dank, which can hit us instantly, he says there is a delay of about 30 minutes before the effects are felt.

Is THC-O-acetate legal and where can you find it?
During 1986, the Federal Analogue Act made any chemical similar to that of a Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 controlled substance illegal on a federal level. However, it’s hard to say whether or not that applies to THC-O-acetate being that research on it is so limited.

With that being said, you’re probably not going to find any at your local dispensary anytime soon. As for your bud man, well, he or she likely won’t have any either. And we wouldn’t recommend making it at home….unless you want to set your valuables and potentially even yourself on fire.
This is not good. Comparing it to heroine is even worse.

The comparison is simply in the process to make it which sounds as if it is pretty much identical.

Geez...and they thought making bho was dangerous!

BHO is honestly a more dangerous process, acetic anhydride isn't all that dangerous (even mishandled, I knocked a beaker of this shit on the floor before) although it will give you a chemical burn if you are stupid and it gets on your skin and you do not flush the area super well.

I would like to see this around, it could really make it cheaper for people to medicate should it hold similar effects/health benefits of other extracts.
Awesome! I imagine a possible list of immediate beneficiaries of this medicine; MS sufferers, those with neuropathic pain, this list goes on but you get the idea. With it going legal we will see more and more of these miracle cannabinoids in the market...hopefully not only by big pharma
I have Gold's book and always wanted to make me some of that. Need a fume hood and some acetic anhydride of course tho could probably get that online.

Don't need a soxhlet extractor either and I have lab distillation apparatus and can do refluxing for isomerizations with it tho have yet to try that either. I have 240g of pot I've sieved for kief soaking in methanol that would be a prime candidate for isomerization too. Have the conc sulfuric acid that's needed as well so I think I'll go for it.

I have Gold's book and always wanted to make me some of that. Need a fume hood and some acetic anhydride of course tho could probably get that online.

Don't need a soxhlet extractor either and I have lab distillation apparatus and can do refluxing for isomerizations with it tho have yet to try that either. I have 240g of pot I've sieved for kief soaking in methanol that would be a prime candidate for isomerization too. Have the conc sulfuric acid that's needed as well so I think I'll go for it.

What he said :)
I have Gold's book and always wanted to make me some of that. Need a fume hood and some acetic anhydride of course tho could probably get that online.

Don't need a soxhlet extractor either and I have lab distillation apparatus and can do refluxing for isomerizations with it tho have yet to try that either. I have 240g of pot I've sieved for kief soaking in methanol that would be a prime candidate for isomerization too. Have the conc sulfuric acid that's needed as well so I think I'll go for it.

Skunkpharm research has a step by step on their site
I have Gold's book and always wanted to make me some of that. Need a fume hood and some acetic anhydride of course tho could probably get that online.

Don't need a soxhlet extractor either and I have lab distillation apparatus and can do refluxing for isomerizations with it tho have yet to try that either. I have 240g of pot I've sieved for kief soaking in methanol that would be a prime candidate for isomerization too. Have the conc sulfuric acid that's needed as well so I think I'll go for it.

If you need a helper , I’m up for a drive .
I’m very interested, and would love to learn to make it.
Could you post up the steps and process
And material list?
If you need a helper , I’m up for a drive .
I’m very interested, and would love to learn to make it.
Could you post up the steps and process
And material list?

Where you got to drive from? I'm way the f'k up in northern Alberta and don't have the explosion proof fume hood or chemicals to do it now anyway.

Think I'll just do an isomerization first.

Here's the link to the THC-Acetate procedure at SkunkPharm.

Interesting but between all the chems and dangers in processing, I'll stick to my sift for my edibles, way cleaner and no blowing myself up :shock:

I love playing breaking bad,
I like to think of myself as a late in life nerd.
I’m always studying something and I got no test. The danger part of it makes it more exciting.
This is where it lost me.
I have no problem building the unit , but then where do I store it? ( could keep it at a friends place) It’s going to take up lots of space. Now to add up my expenses, now what does someone charge a gram for this ? Now after it’s built , I got to put on a smile n add value to the product telling everyone it’s the best , and I want 150$ a g ?
Now I’m going to have to give samples etc .
Not worth it to me .
When people don’t want to pay 10 a point for full melt bubble? Or 50 a g for really good hash? Seems everyone around here wants shatter for 40 a g .
Can’t see them paying more for a new oil.