Well-Known Member
I DWC & Scrog together. As I read through many DWC posts, I notice that many say the biggest problem with DWC is Root Rot. Although I have never had a problem with this, I would still like to chill my water to keep the temps down. I always approach any DIY project by mimicking something i've seen before. The first question I asked is what in the regular world needs chilled water and can be adapted without much cost? My answer....an automobile. So at first I thought radiator and fan, but most radiators are copper (no good), don't want my nutrients running thru that. So with some research I finally decided on a transmission oil cooler (super duty type for a truck). Did some research today and I can get one made from aluminum with 5/8 fittings from auto-zone 42.00. Pump for 18.00 of course probably another 20 for assorted hoses and I already have a stationary fan to push air past the fins. So what do you guys think. I think on top I should get some decent movement in my res temps plus it will continuosly recirculate my res water thus continuously mixing the nutrients. Now I know that cars use anti-freeze in there water, but do you guys think that with just the movement of the water thru the coils and a constant fan blowing thru the fins I could still bring the temps down? Or if you don't think I would get much heat movement what about a closed system with a radiator and a coiled aluminum tube inside the reservoir with water and antifreeze recirculating inside the closed system. It would be coiled around inside the nute bucket and it would cool the outside nute water while still being in its own closed system recirculating from another bucket?