thinking about dropping some lsd


Well-Known Member
so i cant eat mushrooms anymore get super sick for some strange reason sensitive stomach i suppose. however i miss the adventures i'd go on, a friend of mine met this couple that are how we say avid stamp collectors i was thinking about doing some acid my only concern is will my stomach be upset like mushrooms?
Lower back definitely had pain from Cid. For me never any stomach issues. The variable here is the quality of the product.
tried boiling them up in some water, it works just fine and no sickness, well from my experiance

your tummy should be fine, your talking less then 1cm square bit of blotting paper
nah sworn off mushrooms these days, i once ate a cap the size of a piece of bread. just cant do it anymore probably abused that to much. even if i eat a tiny little piece i'll end up puking for hours on end.
nah sworn off mushrooms these days, i once ate a cap the size of a piece of bread. just cant do it anymore probably abused that to much. even if i eat a tiny little piece i'll end up puking for hours on end.
maybe its just the quantaty your taking, tea can be concentrated. but im sorry to hear that, shrooms are nice and giggly, acid is more of a trip.
sadly acid for me now is nice untill you want it to go away, so i dont trip on blotters, micro dots or windows anyore, just trip on good weed
maybe its just the quantaty your taking, tea can be concentrated. but im sorry to hear that, shrooms are nice and giggly, acid is more of a trip.
sadly acid for me now is nice untill you want it to go away, so i dont trip on blotters, micro dots or windows anyore, just trip on good weed

Definitely not the same.
any advice for when i pickup these blotters? anything i should look for?

What do you mean? Like to authenticate the product? Too easy to fake, you need an erlich test, and even then.

If the people you are getting from are avid collectors, then you're probably Ok. LSD for the most part is a communal "one of us" kind of thing, most people if you trust the person, won't do you wrong.

Also right below your post:

re: body load. See that. Ha! The universe.
theres test strips on ebay, but apart from putting a drip of test fluid on a tab, its trust. most lsd sellers i know wont rip you off there honest and know there product
Its a shame. I like it best combining with mushrooms.
I grind them in a coffee grinder and make chocolates for my friends with stomach issues on them.
Far as lsd...i have had a reliable few sources for a good while. Usually if you're not at a festival where there may be some legit and some scammers out there it's usual legit ime.
Its a shame. I like it best combining with mushrooms.
I grind them in a coffee grinder and make chocolates for my friends with stomach issues on them.
Far as lsd...i have had a reliable few sources for a good while. Usually if you're not at a festival where there may be some legit and some scammers out there it's usual legit ime.

Chocolates are great. A friend used to make some.
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LSD Glows under Ultraviolet (UV) Light

Sep 12, 2013

Citation: Erowid E, Erowid F. "LSD Glows under Ultraviolet (UV) Light". Sep 12, 2013.
LSD has been known to glow under ultraviolet or black light since at least the 1950s 1, but Erowid had never previously had access to confirmed LSD and an ultraviolet light. We recently photographed under black light fresh liquid LSD versus seven-year-old LSD, as well as liquid LSD versus 25I-NBOMe spots on paper. The primary light we used was a handheld Spectroline Model UV-5NF, but we also used two other battery-operated UV lights. All the UV light sources showed the same results, but the Spectroline UV-5NF photographed best. Even the LED UV micro lights caused the LSD to fluoresce clearly, so it is not necessary to use an expensive UV lamp to rule out LSD. If something sold as LSD does not fluoresce, it does not contain LSD. If it does fluoresce, it could be many things and LSD is one possibility.

The seven-year-old LSD was reported by the owner to be very weak. Neither the old LSD nor the 25I-NBOMe showed any visible reaction to UV light while the fresh LSD glowed brightly.

In order to test for LSD using a UV light, we first checked the papers themselves under the light to determine whether or not (and to what degree) a given untreated paper sample glowed. Some bright white and colored papers glowed brightly enough under UV light on their own, without any LSD present, that a glowing spot would have been hard to identify. After we verified a paper sample that did not glow at all by itself, a drop of the liquid LSD (in this case, LSD in alcohol solution) was applied to the paper.

The spot of LSD fluoresced (glowed) brightly under the UV light. We played with the UV lamp and the LSD in a variety of ways, on a number of different papers. The LSD fluoresced when dry or wet.

Note that LSD is destroyed by UV light in the presence of oxygen, including in water or non-anhydrous alcohol (anhydrous alcohol absorbs water very quickly out of the air and does not remain anhydrous very long in normal environments).2 Although a brief exposure to UV will not substantially weaken a single tab of acid, exposure to sunlight or long exposure to a UV lamp will destroy LSD molecules, converting the d-LSD to lumi-LSD.

The seven-year-old LSD had been lab confirmed at the time it was first purchased. The LSD from 2013 was confirmed to be LSD experientially by a group of people who had previously taken LSD on many occasions. Although no lab confirmation of the LSD was conducted, it tested positive for LSD using two different LSD field tests.

LSD Drop Glows under Ultraviolet (UV) Light
Photo by Erowid
A drop of LSD on dull white paper shows that it glows brightly under ultraviolet (UV) light. The LSD glows under both shorter- (254 nm) and longer-wave (365 nm) UV. The light is a Spectroline UV-5NF.
Comparing Bright White Paper with LSD Drop
to Dull White Paper with LSD Drop
Photo by Erowid
On the left is bright white printer paper, which glowed brightly on its own. On the right is dull white paper with a drop of LSD on it. A handheld ultraviolet lamp is used to show that the drop of LSD glows brightly under UV light, but is similar in brightness to the untreated bright white printer paper. The LSD glows under both shorter- (254 nm) and longer-wave UV (365 nm). The lamp used is a Spectroline UV-5NF.
Fresh versus Old LSD UV Test
Photo by Erowid
A drop of LSD from a fresh vial of liquid LSD (top) compared to a drop of LSD from a seven-year-old vial of LSD (bottom) that the owner reported as being "very weak". No clear UV response was visible from the old LSD spot.
LSD versus 25I-NBOMe Incandescent Test
Photo by Erowid
On the left, a drop of LSD liquid containing approximately 50 micrograms per drop; on the right, a drop of 25I-NBOMe containing approximately 100 micrograms (shown under normal incandescent lights). Both were dropped onto dull white paper and then photographed under normal incandescent lighting. A piece of bright white paper can be seen under the left edge of the dull white paper.
LSD versus 25I-NBOMe UV Test
Photo by Erowid
On the left, a drop of LSD liquid containing approximately 50 micrograms per drop; on the right, a drop of lab-verified 25I-NBOMe containing approximately 100 micrograms. Both were dropped onto dull white paper and then viewed with a handheld UV lamp. The LSD spot reacted strongly to both shorter- (254 nm) and longer-wave (365 nm) uv light. Bright white paper can be seen glowing from the UV light under the left edge of the dull white paper. The drop of 25I-NBOMe did not glow.
LSD Glows under Ultraviolet (UV) Light

Just keep in mind (as the post says) they tested the paper first to make sure it didn't react to UV then dropped LSD onto it.

You would probably need to dissolve a tab in distilled water, then drop that solution onto known paper to remove variables like blotter paper doctored to flouresce under UV.

Again, both Erlich and this test will eliminate some substances, but won't absolutely tell you it is pure true LSD.

You still need to have trust in your sources, and be willing to accept some risk.

All that said, I'm not sure many would put that much effort in to try pass fake blotter.

Just some thoughts on testing. Remove variables whenever possible.

Be safe, trust your sources.
Try that blue juice for your stomach.

The principle culprit in stomach upset is chitin. It is indigestible and rather sharp on the lining of the small intestines.

Some say baeocystine is tough on the stomach but we really dont know the content of cubensis.

Of course some get a nervous stomach at the onset.

But try that blue juice if you can, a weak tea if you cant.

I have known people who get sick on cid as well.

Who knows why, too many contaminants?

Doubt it. Carrier makes one ill?

Doubt it.

But the one (cid) is not a substitute for the other, each are different and distinct.

Be careful.