Think i started my flush too late**Pics**

dj crane

Well-Known Member
i am into day 55 of flowering and my leaves are turning yellow, i know from reading others post this is too be expected, however i failed to start the flush untill i noticed the yellowing. from what i have read the flush should be done for about 10 days, but i am not sure if my plants will last? i dont know if there are any bad consequences to leaving them in to long? Can i do a shorter flush? are there methods to flushing more efficently? any advide would be greatly appreciated!


sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
Since the leaves have begun turning you dont have to flush for as long. Flush with Ph'd water, and every other day snap a fan leaf off, and taste the sap the comes from the end of it, when your flush is finished the sap should taste like water, if its bitter there are still chemicals in the plant that need to be flushed.

dj crane

Well-Known Member
Since the leaves have begun turning you dont have to flush for as long. Flush with Ph'd water, and every other day snap a fan leaf off, and taste the sap the comes from the end of it, when your flush is finished the sap should taste like water, if its bitter there are still chemicals in the plant that need to be flushed.

Cool, thank you, i have never heard of this method, anybody else ever try this i wonder. + rep