@thieving threads


Active Member
Just stop.

People asking for advice on what to do when they find a grow


People claiming they will murder someone over their plants that they are illegally growing on someone else's property

BOTH of you type of people make me sick. If you find a garden that looks tended to, don't fuck with it. If you are growing shit not on your property, think about that for a second. It's not your property. Get the fuck off of it.

Try and justify trespassing to grow illegally. K.


Well-Known Member
Nicely done m8. Grow your own bud! Don't steal from others and sure as hell don't kill someone for taking your plants as you will get life in jail. Just deal with it and keep growing! Remember people we live and we learn.


Active Member
I'm by no means saying stealing is good but seriously, if you're growing where you shouldn't be, come on.


Well-Known Member
I agree..I stick with growing inside that way i don't gotta worry about anything. I control everything to fit my needs.


Active Member
great post Moteasah! I say keep it outta the forest and grow it in the backyard! if one cant get a script or your state has no medical laws then wait til it does because one day with in the next 5-10 years this whole country will be medical if not completely legal! so keep it legal, grow it descretely in a basement or something or dont grow it at all! honestely in my opinion guerilla growing is a bunch of honkey anyways! nothing but bad comes out of it! but thats my opinion! keep em green and in the backyard! peace!


Well-Known Member
guerilla growing is a bunch of honkey???!!!that's one of the stupidest things i've heard!!not everyone has the luxury of growing in the back yard,waiting 5-10 years till it's legal is a bunch of bull!you guys can bad mouth guerilla growing all you want,but i'll continue tresspassing and growing on someone elses property till it is legal...in no way do i condone stealing or threatening to kill someone over some plants...


Active Member
guerilla growing is a bunch of honkey???!!!that's one of the stupidest things i've heard!!not everyone has the luxury of growing in the back yard,waiting 5-10 years till it's legal is a bunch of bull!you guys can bad mouth guerilla growing all you want,but i'll continue tresspassing and growing on someone elses property till it is legal...in no way do i condone stealing or threatening to kill someone over some plants...
Maybe I'll guerilla grow in your backyard and leave all my trash and garbage in your lawn.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
There is literally 1,000's upon 1,000's of acrea not lived on, not used at all. One or 1,000 fucking plants in this area is of no moral or legal concern to anybody. If somebody knew their ass from a hole in the ground about the laws of this land, IE; "Immediate Possession", "Control" and/or reasonable cause, then they may come to realize that Guerilla growing is the safest & best way available. If it's in your house, your busted. If it's in your yard, busted. If there is a trail from your house to a grow, busted. This covers 80% of the bust. Guerilla grown shit in NO way, form or fashion threatens any owner of any land, unless you actually think that people can be convicted due to the acts of someone they have not even meet, or no proof that they even knew about the shit. WTF? To be legally busted for an outdoor grow away from your house, you have to be present/caught, actually tending/caring for the damn plants, or carrying nutes & water to them, or leave a trail, mail with your name on it. Some stupid shit. A Bird Watcher walking close to the grow will not go to jail. There has to be PROOF that the person actually was tending the plants. It's not even illegal to know about plants. All other is BS. If a person can't hear the Law's Radio's, the talking, coughing, hear the cars, etc, He should get buted. If there is no legal repercussions, which there IS NOT, what difference does it make if a Native plant is growing somewhere on somebodies property.The Burden of Proof is still alive in the Country, but only to people that acknowledge that right.


Well-Known Member
you don't know what your talking about!!i never litter or leave garbage around my grows,thats a no no for guerilla growers...you are a joke,do u understand anything about guerilla growing??obviously not!!


Active Member
Trespassing (Verb) present participle of tres·pass(Verb)
1. Enter the owner's land or property without permission.


Active Member
Listen, I'm honestly not trying to get a rise out of people. I just hate seeing these threads where people think that after trespassing they have rights. Just stop. If you shoot, trap, attack or anything like this over an illegal grow, have fun getting your shit pushed in in prison.


Well-Known Member
Guerilla grow it Texas, safest?! I thought they could legally shoot you for just tresspassing in Texas?! They'll find that bird watching book on your dead body! They don't need proof in Texas, your guilty just for being there!

Don't sound like a safe place to go guerilla to me!



Well-Known Member
never claimed to have any rights,and have never set a trap,attacked or threatened anyone..but having a back yard grower telling me how things should be done is bullshit!!

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Guerilla grow it Texas, safest?! I thought they could legally shoot you for just tresspassing in Texas?! They'll find that bird watching book on your dead body! They don't need proof in Texas, your guilty just for being there!

Don't sound like a safe place to go guerilla to me!

A shotgun blast ain't nottin' but a Skeeter Bite to a real Texan, an dodging bullets is old news. Be serious.


im from california, ill do wat it takes to protect mines, but i gotta admit ive came up on alot for crops many seasons. if its guerilla.....get it!

South Texas

Well-Known Member
My $80,000. grow got hot, I cut it down. I'm damned sure not going to prison over weed, or hurt somebody over a grow & risk prison. That is Kid's talk. There's always next year. And jagdog, that's my point, the grow can't be tied to you unless you do something stupid like leaving shit. Read it again, smartass. I SAID "some stupid shit"!


Well-Known Member
Growing on property you don't own is a crime, EVERYWHERE. If you do it, don't whine when you get ripped off or busted.

At the same time, if you go looking for other's grows, I hope the LEOs are waiting by your car, when you come out of the brush.

Grow some stones and move to a MMJ friendly state.

I'm guessing that anyone bitching is under 18, anyway.


Well-Known Member
Who the fuck cares if someone grows in their backyard or in woods on a different property, its all illegal. Obviously we all do it..get off your high horses people! Quit being scared of getting busted..WOOOPDEDOOO! You get caught with a few plants and get a ticket...come on! ITS NOT THAT BAD!

South Texas

Well-Known Member
who the fuck cares if someone grows in their backyard or in woods on a different property, its all illegal. Obviously we all do it..get off your high horses people! Quit being scared of getting busted..wooopdedooo! You get caught with a few plants and get a ticket...come on! Its not that bad!
amen !!!!!!!!