THIEVES<>Advise please


Well-Known Member
:cuss: i live in a community where everyone kinda knows eachother. I got my group of homies but then theres a bunch of little fuc*in kids running around stealing everything they can. I personally havent gotten anything jacked yet but all my friends have, well most of them at least. Im good at keeping my stuff UNKNOWN but obviously these kids know who "BLAZE" and dont "BLAZE" in the hood. Fu*k these kids tho, my bro got jacked 8 FAT purple plants completely pre-mature, they just cutt em down, what a waste!!!! I think they might actually yard hop to find these things cus we are hush hush about it. :cuss:

What are the best teqniques to make the plants as hard as possible to steal, because IF someone does know about them, i dont want to make it easy for them ya digg :wall:
Bells maybe?
Tie em together? idk...


Well-Known Member
Yup some mean ass dogs.....that'll make 'em think twice about hopping in your yard.....nobody comes in my yard


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
:cuss: i live in a community where everyone kinda knows each other. I got my group of homies but then there's a bunch of little fuc*in kids running around stealing everything they can. I personally haven't gotten anything jacked yet but all my friends have, well most of them at least. Im good at keeping my stuff UNKNOWN but obviously these kids know who "BLAZE" and dont "BLAZE" in the hood. Fu*k these kids tho, my bro got jacked 8 FAT purple plants completely premature, they just cut em down, what a waste!!!! I think they might actually yard hop to find these things cus we are hush hush about it. :cuss:

What are the best techniques to make the plants as hard as possible to steal, because IF someone does know about them, i dont want to make it easy for them ya digg :wall:
Bells maybe?
Tie em together? idk...
well bro its like this if your homies know about your crop and its where its not safe then you can most definitely count on one of the homies helping themselves thats for sure. the best way i can say is ifits outside get a dor kennel and put around your plant


Active Member
well bro its like this if your homies know about your crop and its where its not safe then you can most definitely count on one of the homies helping themselves thats for sure. the best way i can say is ifits outside get a dor kenel

if you mean dog kennel. thats a great idea. i never would of thought of that.

those are fairly cheap too.

alot safer than a dog.

would be nice to just catch them in the act. then show them some manors their parents should of.


Well-Known Member
lol i really really wish i had a dog at this house, these mother fuc*ers would be all suprised lol id pay to see there liitle fuc*ers eatin by a dogg, they have done soo much damage this season to all my homies gardens.


Active Member
lol i really really wish i had a dog at this house, these mother fuc*ers would be all suprised lol id pay to see there liitle fuc*ers eatin by a dogg, they have done soo much damage this season to all my homies gardens.
you dont want the dog to actually hurt them. thats bad for the dog and for you.

you just want the dog to scare them.

this is where the baseball bat comes in to play.


Well-Known Member
This works. It's not most folks first reaction.

If you get ripped, and want to know for sure who f'ed ya, TELL NO ONE.
Odds are, within a few days, or sooner, some fool will say, "I heard you got ripped . . . "

Simply trace backwards. (Heard that where?)


Well-Known Member
i know for a fact who it is and i know what they do but im not going to whoop there ass and get thrown in jail. im >18 and they are little fuckin kids. And ay trust the homies, more like family.


Well-Known Member
you dont want the dog to actually hurt them. thats bad for the dog and for you.

you just want the dog to scare them.

this is where the baseball bat comes in to play.

Somebody comes in your yard to steal and your dog bites them how would that be bad for you and the dog???


Well-Known Member
well, maybe grow indoor, ya digg? like move the plants inside your house ya digg? maybe dont tell your homos, sry homies, about your plants ya digg?

#1 rule, tell no one. group grows always fail.


Well-Known Member
and like i said, these kids go lookin at the "Stoners" house for merchandise, and just so happends my backyard is exposed so if you wanted to look you probally could. it sucks theres a fat field in my back yard with walking trails, easily viewable over fence if you were really looking. i do the best i can to hide by using bigger, differents plants and placing them in front of the pretty girlies....


Active Member
a dog bite is bad no matter what the situation is.

thieves are just as bad, but what if they are crafty little fuckers and can conjure up some bad ass stories. like they were looking for their boomerang that flew into your yard. we went to pick it up and the dog bit me in the face. anytime a dog bite is reported at a hospital the cops are called to insure proper rabies vaccines have been maintained.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i know for a fact who it is and i know what they do but im not going to whoop there ass and get thrown in jail. im >18 and they are little fuckin kids. And ay trust the homies, more like family.
well i cought the guy that cameinto my yard and called 911 and told them what waz going on and that i was following the purpatrated down the road, and 911 told me to stop following him and go home a officer wouldbe out shortly. well no cop just a fucking phone call.. SO I AM JUST GOING TO WHOOP THE NEXT ONE ASS FUCK THE THE COPS THEY WERE NO HELP TO ME WHAT SO EVER.. fuck i even had evedince that it was him, i had his hat and a big chunk of his shirt and half of his ass was gone..


Well-Known Member
i digg bra bra, listen up, i got set up in/out ya digg? i still like me some outdoor northern cali dank ya digg? gotta love, im just paranoid lol im moving in a month tho so im stoked :)


Well-Known Member
Cops dont do shit! my grow is legal tho so i could call the cops if i caught them in the act hehehehehehe or if a dog wer to bite them. id be like, "ya they tried taking my plants, an ya there legal, so take these kids away officer, lol"