No, not me... Here's his link:Are you the guy in the bandana? I would like to know if he was charged.
We call it a Democracy... but it's not... It's not even a Republic anymore. What do you call it when, for the most part, you are given a choice of two douche-bags... Both who really suck but you hope and pray you pick the one that sucks the least? But in the end, it doesn't matter which you choose cause they are both bought and paid for by the powers that be. What do we call this form of government? Democrazy sounds about right.europe has a democrazy just like us, the world is the same everywhere. its like romenizing but for america, americanizing .
shoulda shot that pig in his fat fucking head
shoulda shot that pig in his fat fucking head
i know - fat piece of shit... This is why people HATE cops...
There should be like a 22% body fat cutoff. Or be shipped to fat camp.
Cops really should take better care of their bodies.
Looks to me the guy is walking along side of a rural road.I have to admit that I have armed my self, Try to picture looking out your window and this guy is walking up your drive way....It could get ugly...It looked like he might of been out of town on some country road, so there is a chance that he was squirrel hunting on a scouting adventure..
Personally I don't go around sporting my weapons in public..So the cops were doing there job..I don't know why he was arrested but checking on him was the right thing to do...IMO
Looks to me the guy is walking along side of a rural road.
Haha... Ya, that would be lamehe's definitely not doing some walking-cliche type of mirror flex pose to share with his lubed up muscle buddies over a thorough hamstring stretch session.