They had no morals ! Same thing now. Turns out it was greed..not morals..beg my pardon

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
In the days before legalization we were just a bunch of stoners who did bad drugs and needed arrested. Basically that was the mind thought.
We were a scourge on the decent morals and behavior that they felt was the normal. Smoking weed and causing great harm to society. These people must be rounded up and punished....right? Seems about the mindset to me.
Trudy's own dad was in favor I suppose. I never heard the senior trudeau weasel say anything about legalization. He was pretty content to see anyone caught with weed arrested and charged. Even though his wife was smoking and sucking off the rolling stones.
Anyway we were a risk to society.
NOW WE ARE TAX THIEVES on the very stuff they used to bust us for.
I guess it's more lucrative to invoice us than arrest us.
This is the kind of scum that leads the all jurisdictions.
They showed their true's money.
They are actually the degenerates in our society....turn out we weren't so bad after all. I mean they like our money plenty good don't they...fuckin scum...pure scum.
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That's my point ...he did FUCK ALL. Just sat back and let his wife enjoy weed while the rest of us went to jail if they could catch you.
The whole family needs a nice dose of cancer.
As angry and hostile as you are about this, one would almost assume you're are doing the very thing that caused the government to look at medical limits.

Or maybe you just need a snikers bar....
As angry and hostile as you are about this, one would almost assume you're are doing the very thing that caused the government to look at medical limits.

Or maybe you just need a snikers bar....
I'm in 100% favor of the BM and 150% against any legal government cannabis of any kind. Other than what we grow as personnel people.
Yes I'm extreme but that is how I feel about these turn coat scum bags. I'm against a bunch of hypocrit pirate steeling an industry as well. They have PROVEN what kind of greedy cunts they are. They didn't legalize to help us...they did for profit.
After all they will still jail you for the very product they sell themselves. What kind of human does that...weasel swamp low life scum does that im my world.
If hitler started handing our candies after the war would we accept him as not so bad afterall. Same thing to me. They hurt many many people arresting folks merrily for at least 60 or 70 years.
I don't forget and I certainly don't forgive.
That's my point ...he did FUCK ALL. Just sat back and let his wife enjoy weed while the rest of us went to jail if they could catch you.
The whole family needs a nice dose of cancer.
So true bro. He basically dangled it out there to get the hippy vote. Then later Cretin did the same thing with decriminalization, but once elected that topic was for another day, for another subset of votes for the liberal party. Finally Justin did it, but at this point the population of smokers was so large it would be doubtful if he would have been re-elected if he had failed to deliver. Plus at this stage they had the whole crony operation setup for them and their police chum former drug squad pals.

As angry and hostile as you are about this, one would almost assume you're are doing the very thing that caused the government to look at medical limits.

Or maybe you just need a snikers bar....

Maybe you are just ignorant of the history of suffrage our culture and especially medical patients have suffered and continue to suffer under the Turdy regime.
So true bro. He basically dangled it out there to get the hippy vote. Then later Cretin did the same thing with decriminalization, but once elected that topic was for another day, for another subset of votes for the liberal party. Finally Justin did it, but at this point the population of smokers was so large it would be doubtful if he would have been re-elected if he had failed to deliver. Plus at this stage they had the whole crony operation setup for them and their police chum former drug squad pals.

In the days before legalization we were just a bunch of stoners who did bad drugs and needed arrested. Basically that was the mind thought.
We were a scourge on the decent morals and behavior that they felt was the normal. Smoking weed and causing great harm to society. These people must be rounded up and punished....right? Seems about the mindset to me.
Trudy's own dad was in favor I suppose. I never heard the senior trudeau weasel say anything about legalization. He was pretty content to see anyone caught with weed arrested and charged. Even though his wife was smoking and sucking off the rolling stones.
Anyway we were a risk to society.
NOW WE ARE TAX THIEVES on the very stuff they used to bust us for.
I guess it's more lucrative to invoice us than arrest us.
This is the kind of scum that leads the all jurisdictions.
They showed their true's money.
They are actually the degenerates in our society....turn out we weren't so bad after all. I mean they like our money plenty good don't they...fuckin scum...pure scum.
Huge shout out to sucking off the rolling stones imagery, bro. After she got pregnant with Justin from Castro. Then Pierre flew down 6 months later. After Castro's son killed himself, he left a suicide note about how he could never be as good as his brother Justin in his father's eyes. Wow. Heavy shit eh, look it up.
Huge shout out to sucking off the rolling stones imagery, bro. After she got pregnant with Justin from Castro. Then Pierre flew down 6 months later. After Castro's son killed himself, he left a suicide note about how he could never be as good as his brother Justin in his father's eyes. Wow. Heavy shit eh, look it up.
If you have some welding googles or a helmet put it on before looking at this.
Here's the ugly little device that started a lot of this grief. Thank God you can't smell things through the internet. Cuz I'd smell sardines large right now......avert your eyes.
It renders entire battleships impotent!!!!
They post that pic on ships to discourage buggery. After you see that image most men are rendered impotent for several weeks to months and in rare cases, years. It's like becoming an instant priest....minus the kid fondling part