These plants are bag seed!

These plants are about half a foot and they stink to high heaven! It's bag seed, but I'm starting to wonder. The bag was high mids.. it definitely stoned you. I can't wait to see them get bigger. I am thinking they are Indica because the leaves are so fat it's retarded. I'll post more pictures later tonight. Indica or Sativa maybe?:-P



Well-Known Member
Stinking already? are you sure sumthin didn't crawl under your grow box and die? no way at that age there stinking srry man
but there lookin good n green goodluck!


Misguided Angel
Are you sure you're not smelling the weed you just smoked lol. Sometimes if I put my nose right up to them at that stage you can kind of get a whif of what smells like weed, but nit usually stinkin until flowering. Lookin nice and healthy though, keep it up!


Well-Known Member
rofl, ok good luck with your super smelling 6 inch bagseed plants hope everthing works out for ya.....


Well-Known Member
they can and DO smell at that age if they're gnarlers. if it's bagseed, be super on the lookout for male flowers in the last 3 weeks of flowering; they can shitcan your whole deal quick.
Are you referring to hermis? If they're female would that really matter? I only have four plants. The three in the back have really fat leaves and internodal branching has begun. I am keeping my magnifying glass on them. 18/6 for the time being, but I am going to give them outdoor light and inside flowering. The one plant in the front has longer sporadic branching and skinny leaves at the bottom. The other ones have really short branching and fat leaves and smell.. the one with the skinny leaves and sporadic branching doesn't really have a smell. It's interesting. I've grown Sativa, but I've never had plants look like these. Short and fat. I'll post more pictures later. They are growing at a nice rate.. nearly two new leaves a day.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
These plants are about half a foot and they stink to high heaven! It's bag seed, but I'm starting to wonder. The bag was high mids.. it definitely stoned you. I can't wait to see them get bigger. I am thinking they are Indica because the leaves are so fat it's retarded. I'll post more pictures later tonight. Indica or Sativa maybe?:-P
My little girl started out with pretty fat leaves.

Then she ended up looking like this.

Sometimes you just don't know. :p


Well-Known Member
lol..... i think he knows what sativa/indica is like.... Sounds like you think your shit don't stink and your not the smartest penut in the turd got any pics of any previous grows? sounds like a know it all
Well. I don't doubt it is possible, but he stems are purplish red and the ph level is fine and they have good ventilation. I'm hoping it's Indica. Each pair of leaves are getting fatter, but maybe they will get skinny. Who knows? The bag was pretty potent in it self and it has seeds. I can't wait to have the sensimillia version!
I have no reason to make it up. It's not like stinking up the house. It just smells kind of skunky. I'm excited about them really. It's the first plants I've grown 18/6 that started internodal branching that fast. They're only just now three weeks along from seed.
I've gotta give it 12 hours outside and 12 inside when I flower. No HPS. I'm interested in the water cure really. I plan on starting flowering at 2 feet, but don't plants sometimes let you know when they want to flower or is this a myth? I ordered the "Chronic" strain one time and it had quite a bit of a stretch but it produced some pretty powerful smoke.


Well-Known Member
For anybody who's ever grown anything close to full Indica, they are way more stalky and robust than those plants.
Bleh. I guess it doesn't matter. I'll know soon enough though. The bag of grass was really strong though. I guess that's all that matters really.