These any good?


Well-Known Member
You could do a lot more DIY with 4500 bucks than that set up...I wouldn't personally spend that kind of jack to grow plants in a tent...but if you're into instant gratification then go for it


Well-Known Member
That's a metric fuck tonne of money.

You could probably make 6 of those for the cost of it all.


no clue

Well-Known Member
Anytime they sell you a package that includes everything you might need it seems like they jack the price. No way I would pay that for that..


Well-Known Member
You could build that entire setup for probably less than 1000 and have better ventilation and better lights . That things a joke with two 400 watt bulbs.


Well-Known Member
Hit up amazon they have great deals on everything from light kits in all sizes fans of all sizes. Pretty much everything you could need you can get there