There is a white film on my leaves!! What is it?


Hey everyone I just recently started growing after i got my cannabis card renewed.. So far, so good... But there is one thing.. I keep seeing this white 'film' appear on some of the leaves.. Ill post a couple pics to show you what I'm talking about.
Is that normal? Someone told me its salt ?? Thanks for ANY suggestions or comments.......


Well-Known Member
powdery mildew? im gonna have to suggest you get someone else to back me up on that but ill take the first shot and say PM.



Active Member
you might need more than neem oil. I mean, its a PITA to get rid of.

you can also try to lower your humidity. is this your setup in your avatar?

whats your ventilation like?

water+milk spray has been said to help combat it. I've actually got a small amount right now too.

Fungicidal soap works

if you're in early veg, and not into flowering, then you can get sulphur burners. they'll run yah about a $100-125 though. But as proactive measure, they def work. NOT to be used in flowering.

i would go with the neem, fungicidal soap, milk+water, and do some reading on other method of combating it.

whoever told you that was salt, do not listen to them. and yes, you have PM.