Theoretically speaking?? Poppy extraction.


Well-Known Member
Im not asking for me, but.... Ive been on a quest to learn about natural ways to reduce pain just in case the world goes ass over tit. Now i know about PST, either seed or pod tea. And ive heard of various extraction methods. But would the honey bee extractor work on poppy plants to obtain the latex? Would it flow out the bottom like cannabis wax? Basically a butane extraction.. Im not suggesting anyone extract the latex from poppys because its illegal, more than likely.
Can't really help you other than to say people who smoke raw opium (Latex from the pods), tend to have very short lifespans. Processing the latex involves some work and chemicals, most of which are highly flammable and/or toxic, i.e chloroform, Iso, etc., and a moderate amount of equipment and chemistry background.
Can't really help you other than to say people who smoke raw opium (Latex from the pods), tend to have very short lifespans. Processing the latex involves some work and chemicals, most of which are highly flammable and/or toxic, i.e chloroform, Iso, etc., and a moderate amount of equipment and chemistry background.
All of what u say is true.. 100%.. But my God i love a challenge. Now that being said, i have no access to any of whats needed. So this is theory or science or theoretical science. But is a butane extraction of latex possible with the h$#$&bee extractor? Skipping all the illegal chemicals and expensive equipment.
All of what u say is true.. 100%.. But my God i love a challenge. Now that being said, i have no access to any of whats needed. So this is theory or science or theoretical science. But is a butane extraction of latex possible with the h$#$&bee extractor? Skipping all the illegal chemicals and expensive equipment.

No, butane won't work (or at least it's not one of the listed solvents), there are several alkaloids that need to be extracted, and many have singular solvents needed to extract them. BTW, I do not believe any of the solvents are controlled, just dangerous if not used properly. The old school way was to score the pod (when ripe, and there's a trick to determining that too) vertically with sharp knife, and collect the sap (latex) as it oozes from the pod. This is all done while the pod is still on the plant.
No, butane won't work (or at least it's not one of the listed solvents), there are several alkaloids that need to be extracted, and many have singular solvents needed to extract them. BTW, I do not believe any of the solvents are controlled, just dangerous if not used properly. The old school way was to score the pod (when ripe, and there's a trick to determining that too) vertically with sharp knife, and collect the sap (latex) as it oozes from the pod. This is all done while the pod is still on the plant.
Now im saying dont do any of this.. Ive seen alcohol extractions and water extractions work for wild lettuce.. Never poppies.. Now these are not too dangerous.. Minus alcohol and open flames.. I think but am not 100% sure that the latex from wild lettuce is similar to poppies.. And the latex is the end goal nothing stronger.. But the best latex possible. Thanks for the time and the correspondence..
I think but am not 100% sure that the latex from wild lettuce is similar to poppies..
It's similar in that it has pain reducing properties, but none of the same chemicals as poppies, i.e, no opiods.
Again, I'll re-iterate, smoking raw opium (latex) is not good for you!!!!