The WHO emphasizes its mission to destroy safer nicotine alternatives

I done better, except my natural right to home-grow has been confiscated to serve as some electoralist symbolic sacrifice, to maintain confusion until the next elections... I didn't wait after Trudeau to adjust the method of consumption (much less after his father!) and more than doubled my yield through this long solitary process. No love there neither.

As for the confusion it's counter-scientific to render equal nicotine, combustion self-poisoning and a simple habit. Not to mention there's no sane justification behind the never-ending ban of CBD cannabis which should have ended with the joint UN/WHO declaration of mid-December 2017...

Quebec - Je me souviens [300x200] .PNG
The report, funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies <---- WHO got it's marching orders from the guy that when he was Mayor of NYC banned 32 ounce drinks because they make you fat.....

The only way they can support a study like this is if Bloomberg gives them millions of dollars to do so.

It's amazing what people will say when they're given millions of dollars.
I'll be 2 years free of the tabaky on august 15th at 11pm.I didnt use anything,straight up cold turkey quit after almost 40 years

Congrat- u- freakin- lations!!!!!

I quit in 2011. I just realized, 10 years for me now! WOO HOOO!!!!

Funny story....

My wife and I got married before we quit and almost divorced after we quit, we're sitting there screaming and yelling at each other over the stupidest little shit.........

I realized it mid-scream that we're just venting because of tobacco withdrawl. SO I am like screaming at her, "We're just screaming at each other because of TOBACCO!!!"..... At which point we both started laughing and we're still married 10 years later. In fact, we started realizing just how much money we saved by not smoking. In NY they raised taxes on it and put it over $10 a pack.

I was like there is no freakin way I am paying $10 bucks to kill myself, not only that but, I love my wife and want to spend a long time with her.
Still no ove for CBD cannabis, hey! Not so many years ago it would have sold for pennies instead of dollars since there was no buzz. A guy passing such sort of stuff would never have been recalled IMO, but that's just me. Mi! Mi! Mi!
