The White privilege to terrorize


Well-Known Member
I thought this was a fantastic article worthy of sharing

I believe the Black Panthers in 1967 were disarmed and taken away shortly after. So, not the same treatment given to the Michigan crowd.

I won’t bother to get into the difference between protesting against inequities versus protesting against science. From what I’ve seen from your past posts it would be a waste of time.
I believe the Black Panthers in 1967 were disarmed and taken away shortly after. So, not the same treatment given to the Michigan crowd.

I won’t bother to get into the difference between protesting against inequities versus protesting against science. From what I’ve seen from your past posts it would be a waste of time.


Yeah because 2020 white middle aged white men have totally the same oppression that black people had in the 60s.

Totally the same.

Apple, meet orange.

I don't think the Michigan protesters were concerned about regaining rights for a particular race. Pretty sure they want everyone to regain their rights.

Many of the black protesters were protesting government overreach too weren't they?

Despite any differences you try to breath life into, there is a common theme, "get government off our backs" .
Yep, via the Mulford Act. In traditional Hoover fashion, the FBI began playing dirty. Infiltrating the group, creating artificial riffs with party leaders, assassinating its members, falsely incriminating other members, and painting the group as a criminal organization.

Just like what's happening now to people who are "freedom and rights" people.

Same Nazi type play, taken from an old playbook.

My mistake, I misunderstood you, now I know. Andy Lopez is the kid referenced in that article you posted. You've made the list. Bye, now.

I don’t understand what you are saying. I didn’t post the article about Lopez you did. I responded to your post with a like.

I don’t know what list I qualified for but I’m curious
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I don’t understand what you are saying. I didn’t post the article about Lopez you did. I responded to your post with a like.

I don’t know what list I qualified for but I’m curious
Sorry. I'm guessing you responded to someone I have on "ignore", so didn't see. I was confused about the "like", too. The list is of those ignored. We're good, friend.:)
Citation ?

They were illegally "ordered" to leave, nobody took their guns did they ?

Were the protesters in Michigan protesting "illegal orders" ? I think at least some of them were.

By what, following the Federal Government's guidelines in an effort to keep people who do not have the virus from catching it?
Not in the literal sense, but eliminated was the open carry of loaded firearms (in CA), which did, in effect, disarm them. The Mulford Act can be read for details. It was endorsed and signed by Reagan himself.

Black Panthers and everybody else in California got hosed with an unconstitutional law.

Not a fan of either Ronnie or his control freak wife Nancy.