The Trip Zone


Well-Known Member
For everyone that has had a good amount of experience on shrooms or LSD.

What is the trippiest movies you have seen trippin?
Whats the trippiest music you've listened to while trippin?

or What is your ideal set up for a perfect trip?
(like the hiking in the woods, camping with friends, movies with music, lighting effects ext.

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
Ideal set up for a perfect trip.....a festival. You wont get a better trip than a good jam festival. I'm trippin hard now and wish I were at a festival. Went to a Rusted Root show (ehhh) went to a bar and went home. Would rather be able to chill with thousands of tripping people all night, random music everywhere, never ending smell of chronic, and lightshow galore, firespinning, and fireworks (Thank you Rothbury).
Make a CD
"Fire on the Mountain" Grateful Dead. Any version of that song. Live is usually best tripping, I often find the longest version
"Shakedown Street" Grateful Dead
"Three Weeks" Perpetual Groove
"Character Zero" Phish
"Crab Eyes" moe.
"Kyle's Song" moe.
"Aimlessly" Sound Tribe Sector 9 (STS9)
"Little Hands" String Cheese Incident
"Joyful Sound" String Cheese Incident
"Rollover" String Cheese Incident
"Devine Moments of Truth" Shpongle
"Beja Flor" Shpongle

If you are going for just straight out the trippiest shit then I would go more Shpongle. I love 'em (I'm tripping listening to them right now, song, Beja Flor)

As for movies. I can always do whatever. There are a shitload of crazy movies out there, ones you might never think would be good tripping and for some reason they are. I have too many sugguestions to post. I'll just post the classic "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"

Going through forests are great, especially if you have music, Ipod or something. Get glowsticks, there are so many awesome light things that I couldnt even begin to think of the best ones.

I'd sugguest Acid bikerides but not until you've done it enough, then go to some scenic areas, take a bunch of doses early in the day, (3:00) bike for an hour and 10 minutes, get ready for 4:20, then when thats done bike to a sceanic area and watch the sunset with the chronic close by. Doing it with some headphones on is the best.

For what lights to get, I'd say go to a few jam shows, Clubs, raves, festivals, anywhere where there will be trippers at and you'll see the craziest lights then just keep asking around. The best thing about that too is that people make the lights 1000X better, someone good doing Poi, or glowsticking makes it just that much better.

You'll want something to stare at probably. Psychedelic tapestries, flags, clothing, posters, things that are colorful. The more colors the better. Except trees are always good too, with or without leaves. I like without better. Can see all the snakeing of the branches

I'll stop now, going to go smoke and watch How High. By the way, when you watch movies, sometimes you want the trippiest shit, but if you're with a lot of people then the comedies are probably the best. Comedies are almost always the best in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
P & C,
Love the music choices. Nothing better than a festi! An STS9 show is one of my absolute favorite places to trip. Their light shows are amazing. One of my best experiences would have to be String Cheese at Horning's Hideout. That place is magical.
Good movies to trip to, check out Electric Apricot. If you are in the jamband scene you will appreciate it. Also check out Good Humor Man. Hilarious. So many other good ones...just can't remember at the moment. Happy tripping!


Well-Known Member
Wanna loose yourself on acid? Try to get Alien sex fiend's Altered States of America...
It will turn your brain inside out by the time the song Now I'm feeling zombified comes on... hmmm love the zomby fry

Psychedelics and Chronic

Well-Known Member
P & C,
Love the music choices. Nothing better than a festi! An STS9 show is one of my absolute favorite places to trip. Their light shows are amazing. One of my best experiences would have to be String Cheese at Horning's Hideout. That place is magical.
Good movies to trip to, check out Electric Apricot. If you are in the jamband scene you will appreciate it. Also check out Good Humor Man. Hilarious. So many other good ones...just can't remember at the moment. Happy tripping!
Thanks, and yeah, of the shows I've seen live, my favorites are String Cheese, then running to see STS9 at Bonnaroo '07. And STS9 at Rothbury. I just get lost in aimlessly. *edit, I forgot to add Perpetual Groove at Rothbury. Everyone should hear their song Three Weeks while tripping

Also, if you like STS9 and the lights (who doesn't) then try going to see a band called Pretty Lights. Their similar in music and are all about the light show