The Slippery Slope of Totalitarianism ...


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Trans Fat ban

By Walter E. Williams

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

In the wake of New York City's ban on restaurant use of trans fat, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said the ban is "not going to take away anybody's ability to go out and have the kind of food they want, in the quantities they want. . . . We are just trying to make food safer."

That, my friends, is tyrannical double-talk. Let's look at it. Trans fats are derived from partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. They can raise blood levels of LDL, the "bad cholesterol." According to Dr. Elizabeth Whelan, president of American Council on Science and Health, trans fats are about two percent of our daily caloric intake, while saturated fats, which also raise LDL blood levels, make up 10 to 15 percent.

Naturally, we might ask, why the attack on restaurants using trans fats and not saturated fats? The answer's easy; we just need a historical reference. When the anti-smoking zealots started out, they too went after a relatively small target by demanding non-smoking sections on airplanes. That success emboldened them to demand no smoking on planes at all and in airports as well. Then came laws against smoking in restaurants.

Today, in Calabasas, Calif., smoking is prohibited outside, and several California cities have banned beach smoking. Had the anti-smoking zealots revealed their full agenda when they started out, they wouldn't have been nearly as successful. They would have encountered too much resistance.

The nation's food zealots have taken a page from their anti-smoking counterparts. They've started out with a small target -- a ban on restaurant use of trans fats. Here's what I predict is their true agenda: If banning a fat that's only two percent of our daily caloric intake is wonderful, why not ban saturated fats, the intake of which is much higher? Then there's the size of restaurant servings. Instead of a law simply requiring restaurants to label the calories in a meal, there will be laws setting a legal limit on portions.

There's a Washington, D.C., organization, Center for Science in the Public Interest, that some call busybodies, but they are more accurately described as petty tyrants. They've made a list of foods you shouldn't eat. Among them are: Dove and Haagen-Dazs ice cream, Mrs. Field's cookies and McDonald's Chicken McNuggets. If they are successful, you shouldn't be surprised to see a ban on these and similar foods.

Food zealots, who share the mindset of Mayor Bloomberg and are ". . . just trying to make food safer," will not be satisfied controlling restaurant menus. After all, most eating is done at home. So why wouldn't the food zealots enact bans on what can and cannot be sold in supermarkets? Nine chances out of ten, most of a person's saturated fat intake occurs during the family dinner.

You say, "Williams, that's ridiculous! They would never tell us what we can eat at home." That's precisely what you might have said when the anti-smoking zealots started out. Belmont, Calif., has recently enacted a law not only banning smoking in apartments and other attached dwellings, but also on the street, in a park and even in one's own car.
Smokers have been relatively passive and have allowed the anti-smoking zealots to run roughshod over them. The question is whether those of us who wish to eat as we please will allow the food zealots to do the same.

These people are cowards, and here's why: If Mayor Bloomberg and other food zealots think I'm eating too many trans fats, let them personally come and take fatty foods off my plate or remove them from my shopping cart. Since they don't have the guts to do that, they correctly deem it safer to use the brute force of the state to control what I eat.

Dr. Williams serves on the faculty of George Mason University as John M. Olin Distinguished Professor of Economics and is the author of More Liberty Means Less Government: Our Founders Knew This Well. Be the first to read Walter Williams' column. Sign up today and receive delivered each morning to your inbox. Sign up today!

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Yes, I am in agreement with you on this. The government should not control our bodies. As long as the only one being affected by abusing their body is them, then we have the right. When it gets murky is when someone else is affecting you while abusing their body. Like a loved one with a nasty speed habit. They always have a detrimental effect on the familys, But even that is really not governments business unless they commit a crime!
if i was walking down the street smoking a cigarette and some jackass ran up on me and told me its nasty and i had to put it out i would probably put it out on his forehead. if it was a girl i'd call her fat or ugly in hopes she'd cry. if it was a cop i might actually even pull a punch&run
i like the ideas of large peaceful protests..but there's always the last resort when nothing works. fight club. u just hug a large man with bitch tits until he's ready to fight for your cause.
You know the government needs to quit punishing the smoker and punish the tobacco companies and tobacco growers.
Thankfully I quit smoking after the first of the year.
why punish them? they offer a product and other buy it. as long as they list the dangers of smoking cigarettes they've done their job. maybe pill companies should have to list their side effects in the form of a warning instead of a soothing and reassuring voice on the commericial. they explain how congestive heart failure (death) and liver damage and nausia and constipation are associated with usage of their product using the same voice my mom used to explain to me why she loved me so much when i was 5. and that was usually followed by kisses and hugs and what not. sleeping medicines dont just help u sleep. they tuck u in and snuggle you too.
gnight ambien =)
i want the gvnmnt to actually spoon feed me optimized nutrition supplements that will not release free radicals in any stage of metabolism and that does not contain any harmful substance, otherwise they are contributing to my mortality... they are in effect KILLING me if they let me lay here on my couch with nothing but twinkies and coke in easy reach.

come save me gvnmnt!!
When the State of Texas raised the price of a pack of Cigarettes yet again, it tore it with me.... I would rather spend $106.00 for 2 months for Chantix and quit than pay $120.00 a month smoking.

7x, battosai your idiots, you've totally missed the point of what I had to say.

If you back the government punishing the end user, then you are backing them jailing Non-violent Drug offenders, it's the same difference.
You see if you punish the supplier then the supply is cut off at the source. By the same token, I don't want them telling me what I can and can not eat.

Another thing I want to know is how many more personal freedoms are they going to take away.
Another thing I want to know is how many more personal freedoms are they going to take away Doesn't it seem odd that these libertatians don't seem too concerned with the liberties we've given up, none of them are even questioning Dubya and his signing statements, let alone the patriot act, the illegal wiretapping, and his latest, Mail openings. What's up with that?
i wasn't really responding to what you said...just taking the concept of all this fat stuff to the conclusion that trial lawyers lust after.

if you are considering the tax on cigs punishment is it fair to assume that you have put away all the money necessary to treat your future ailments such as lung cancer, congestive heart failure, diabetes, etc. that are known to result from smoking? reason i ask is that the tax $ goes to healthcare costs the gvnmnt picks up from these smoking related medical problems.

if eye poking became a popular past-time and there were certain eye-poking-needles for sale wouldn't you support taxing those eye-poking-needle sales to help pay for the uninsured to get medical care?

congrats on quiting, i haven't smoked in just over a year.
i wasn't really responding to what you said...just taking the concept of all this fat stuff to the conclusion that trial lawyers lust after.

if you are considering the tax on cigs punishment is it fair to assume that you have put away all the money necessary to treat your future ailments such as lung cancer, congestive heart failure, diabetes, etc. that are known to result from smoking? reason i ask is that the tax $ goes to healthcare costs the gvnmnt picks up from these smoking related medical problems.

if eye poking became a popular past-time and there were certain eye-poking-needles for sale wouldn't you support taxing those eye-poking-needle sales to help pay for the uninsured to get medical care?

congrats on quiting, i haven't smoked in just over a year.
Nevada got a few hundred million from Tobacco and promptly put it into the school budget, thereby eliminating the funds from helping ex-smokers, I think this the norm. No-one is holding funds to help the medical expenses of ex-smokers, I quit about ten years ago, haven't missed them at all! When I see someone swilling on a fag, I just think "Stupid", you'll pay later!
so they put the money into another is fluid like pull from here and it still fills in the cracks there... whatever, i'm just glad more people are quiting.
The day they outlaw Hoyo de Monterey Rubsto Maduros is the day I load my musket and go marching toward Washington D.C.

I like the Hoyo Governors...just a little longer than the Robustos....
I never smoked cigarettes, but I love cigars.
The government should just make cigarettes illegal, and be done with it!
It's like death by a thousand cuts.
Yup, tobacco dragnets are what we need….round’em up, both the pushers and the addicts….
When the State of Texas raised the price of a pack of Cigarettes yet again, it tore it with me.... I would rather spend $106.00 for 2 months for Chantix and quit than pay $120.00 a month smoking.

7x, battosai your idiots, you've totally missed the point of what I had to say.

If you back the government punishing the end user, then you are backing them jailing Non-violent Drug offenders, it's the same difference.
You see if you punish the supplier then the supply is cut off at the source. By the same token, I don't want them telling me what I can and can not eat.

Another thing I want to know is how many more personal freedoms are they going to take away.

you're the one talking about punishing somebody. dont push your words on me... im not in your either/or argument. why are you so bent on someone getting punished?
"Another thing I want to know is how many more personal freedoms are they going to take away?"

As many as we let them take away.


?[/color]And just what are you doing to stop them?[/size]

Excellent question, Med. At the moment, I'd have to say not much. In the past, I've done my part though. I've worked very hard on political campaigns trying to get like-minded candidates elected. Also, as mentioned earlier, I never turn down jury duty. I've been known to raise hell with Congressmen in their local "town-hall" meetings, calling them to task for their unconstitutional attempts to foist more federal nanny-state bullshit on us.

What are you doing, Med?

Excellent question, Med. At the moment, I'd have to say not much. In the past, I've done my part though. I've worked very hard on political campaigns trying to get like-minded candidates elected. Also, as mentioned earlier, I never turn down jury duty. I've been known to raise hell with Congressmen in their local "town-hall" meetings, calling them to task for their unconstitutional attempts to foist more federal nanny-state bullshit on us.

What are you doing, Med? writing my congressmen, joining groups to lobby the assholes, donating to organizations that promote my views, E-mailing my elected officials with fiery rhetoric and voting my ticket, outside of storming the bastille I can't do much more. If they have cauceses like they are talking about, I'll see if I can get an invite, although I think those are stuff shirt deals. Oh yes, waiting patiently for an invite to be on a drug related trial.
