The simple Sweet Spots


PPM- Depending on the strain anywhere from 600-1000 is usually optimal. If you can do research on the strain you got from the producers of that strain, there will be info. on how much the plant can take if its a hearty feeder or a delicate eater. You can also tell by the plants if you look at them and the tips are barely yellowing that is a big indicator your at the max PPM.

pH- This is very important, if its too high it can cause nutrient lock outs meaning all your nutrients wont be doing crap. If its too low well just don't go below 5.5 for veg and 5.8 - 6.0 for flower. All plants are different and some like it more at 5.5 all the way through some like it more around the 6.0 scale again do you're research on the strain you are growing. Veg= more acidic Flower=less acidic but still on the acidic end of the scale

Nutrients make sure you have all of the essential there are 16 of them I have another thread called " Organic, Synthetic in the end its all about the 16 elements! " in the advanced cultivation thread.

Temperature- You want it around 80 degrees F at the canopy. with a 10 degree decrease on the night cycle. Inline fans do a great job of controlling this. Also portable A/C units in sealed rooms.

Light Space- Just put you're hand at few inches above the canopy and leave it there for a few min. if its uncomfortable for you, it will be for your plants as well.

CO2 PPM- Around 1500 ppm is what i was told is perfect. I have heard some say that some plants can take up to 3000 ppm I don't know if this is myth or not but 1500 ppm is what I always understood to be the max.

Hope this helps!