The rout im going +PICS


Well-Known Member
Here are some items i am planning to get when i grow out my beauties am i going in the right direction, i was planning on doing it hydroponically but will go with a soil grow instead.

super thrive is good, i never used miracle grow food so i wouldnt know. i use fox farms trio. i got 3 plants in miracle grow soil. but i would get lamberts from home depot it says its organic.. im using it for my next grow.. needs a mixture of perlite though

John Jacob

Active Member
thumbs down on the miracle grow.. especially those timed feeding ones for 2 months or whatever. for gardening sure why not but for cannabis not so much at first they will seem to be doing great but the ph fluctuates a lot and you get a lot of salt deposits within those 2 months you'll eventually have to system flush at some point because your girl will start showing deficiencies and if your lucky you'll catch it early and flush before she nute locks on you... been there done that back in the day.. get some neutral soil if you can without any nutes in there and then find food that you can mix with your water this way as you watch the little lady you can see how shes reacting to your feeding if she needs more or a little less and you can adjust it rather then the "soil" somehow doing it

The Growery

Active Member
soil is defintely the way to go for a first grow I would say, less equipment/money, easier maintenance and more forgiving than hydro. is there a reason you chose MG soil? if it's because you are on a budget then hell yeah go with MG soil it's not bad stuff, but if you can foot the extra $40, go get yourself some promix and dynagro kln, grow, protekt and magpro. also consider adding neem oil to your list of things to get - it's applied as a spray once a week to prevent mites and flies, all natural non toxic, you can cook with the stuff.

everything looks good but opt for a different soil and good nutes if you can, DONT buy advanced nutrients, you can get the same thing from dynagro in 4 bottles vs the 12 or so AN sells totaling around $400-600 to get every additive. dynagro full line up is under $60 and has it all lol.