The Rand Paul Party - The Day We Fight Back..


Well-Known Member
Rand Paul has joined a class action suit by Freedomworks against the NSA and President Obama for illegal surveillance of the American people. The legal action has been filed as part of "The Day We Fight Back," on February 11, 2014--which was a mass expression of opposition to extensive spying and data mining by government agencies.



Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
...Or he could just do what millions of others have done. Ignore the edict from King Obama and refuse to participate in something that takes the labor of some and forcefully applies it to the benefit of others. Hey wait a minute, that's a major component of how slavery works isn't it?

Let's not call it slavery though, let's just look at one side of the equation, the end result and let's ignore the morlockian means, then everything will be just swell.

Whether the legal challenge is successful or not, OBAMACARE has failed. You cannot MAKE large numbers of people do things that don't align with their interests for very long without experiencing blowback and resistance. Sort of like how pot prohibition was doomed to fail from the get go. Edicts are not popular and even the dumbed down populace has to
feel their backbones now and then.


Well-Known Member
...Or he could just do what millions of others have done. Ignore the edict from King Obama and refuse to participate in something that takes the labor of some and forcefully applies it to the benefit of others. Hey wait a minute, that's a major component of how slavery works isn't it?

Let's not call it slavery though, let's just look at one side of the equation, the end result and let's ignore the morlockian means, then everything will be just swell.

Whether the legal challenge is successful or not, OBAMACARE has failed. You cannot MAKE large numbers of people do things that don't align with their interests for very long without experiencing blowback and resistance. Sort of like how pot prohibition was doomed to fail from the get go. Edicts are not popular and even the dumbed down populace has to
feel their backbones now and then.
This is about NSA surveillance, you kook.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
It's about time someone took action against this tyrannical monster. I hope Rand Paul gets somewhere with this but I doubt it. Obama is about as slippery as the slimy eel that he is.

What an organized coalition of protesters - over 17,000 phone calls and 50,000 emails on Feb. 11 !

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Rand Paul has joined a class action suit by Freedomworks against the NSA and President Obama for illegal surveillance of the American people. The legal action has been filed as part of "The Day We Fight Back," on February 11, 2014--which was a mass expression of opposition to extensive spying and data mining by government agencies.


I think it is a sad commentary on a once great nation that was founded on the principles of limited government and expanded individual freedoms, when an important cog of the government has to sue a more important cog of the government to try to force a secret arm of the government to stop spying on its citizens, while pointing at the foundational legal document of the nation and saying,"you can't do that, it says so right here!"

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
i have no idea why i even bother one here wants to have a real conversation.

If there were two kinds of people, those that want to be left alone and agree to leave others alone and those that think it's okay to run other peoples lives which group would you be in?


Well-Known Member
If there were two kinds of people, those that want to be left alone and agree to leave others alone and those that think it's okay to run other peoples lives which group would you be in?
go spam your bullshit elsewhere, i don't think anyone here is buying the whole notion of your utopia where everyone has to agree to everything before anyone can do anything.


Well-Known Member
i have no idea why i even bother one here wants to have a real conversation.
You seriously haven't figured that out by now? These morons are about two things. Trolling and repeating Fox agenda. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. They are robotic in delivery, predictable even.

Why do you think I babble nonsense most of the time?


Well-Known Member
You seriously haven't figured that out by now? These morons are about two things. Trolling and repeating Fox agenda. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. They are robotic in delivery, predictable even.

Why do you think I babble nonsense most of the time?

it's spelled babel now.


Well-Known Member
go spam your bullshit elsewhere, i don't think anyone here is buying the whole notion of your utopia where everyone has to agree to everything before anyone can do anything.
You seriously haven't figured that out by now? These morons are about two things. Trolling and repeating Fox agenda. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. They are robotic in delivery, predictable even.

Why do you think I babble nonsense most of the time?
if i had a would now be purple, bulbous and erect:P


Well-Known Member
predictable even.
Predictable is Bucky calling someone a Racist or Cheezy C&P his entire argument uncited or Pinworm getting himself off on some stupid punk band. Losing yourself in a one sentence doer post or having rob tell us about choosing to be responsible good people instead of relying on someone else to force others to do that, those are also predictable.


Well-Known Member
You seriously haven't figured that out by now? These morons are about two things. Trolling and repeating Fox agenda. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. They are robotic in delivery, predictable even.

Why do you think I babble nonsense most of the time?
How can one possibly consider your opinion credible when you can't even spell babel correctly? Which, by the way, is much easier to spell that practiced.


Well-Known Member
If there were two kinds of people, those that want to be left alone and agree to leave others alone and those that think it's okay to run other peoples lives which group would you be in?
Predictable is Bucky calling someone a Racist or Cheezy C&P his entire argument uncited or Pinworm getting himself off on some stupid punk band. Losing yourself in a one sentence doer post or having rob tell us about choosing to be responsible good people instead of relying on someone else to force others to do that, those are also predictable.
ND what world are you in? re-read what RR said and guys soooo suck at the telephone game.


Well-Known Member
see4 did spell and use babble in context.

bab·ble (băb′əl)v. bab·bled, bab·bling, bab·bles
v.intr.1. To utter a meaningless confusion of words or sounds: Babies babble before they can talk.
2. To talk foolishly or idly; chatter: "In 1977 [he] was thought of as crazy because he was babbling about supply side" (Newt Gingrich).
3. To make a continuous low, murmuring sound, as flowing water. To utter rapidly and indistinctly.
2. To blurt out impulsively; disclose without careful consideration.

n.1. Inarticulate or meaningless talk or sounds.

2. Idle or foolish talk; chatter.
3. A continuous low, murmuring sound, as of flowing water

Babel is the noise and confusion brought about by the trolling and ignorance.


l, bab-uh
l] Show IPA
noun 1. an ancient city in the land of Shinar in which the building of a tower (Tower of Babel) intended to reach heaven was begun and the confusion of the language of the people took place. Gen. 11:4–9.

2. ( usually lowercase ) a confused mixture of sounds or voices.

3. ( usually lowercase ) a scene of noise and confusion.

< Hebrew B&#257;bhel Babylon

Related forms Ba·bel·ic [bey-bel-ik, ba-] Show IPA , adjective

3. tumult, turmoil, uproar, bedlam, clamor.