The one thing we all need in our gardens....advice for those new to RIU.


Well-Known Member
I have been on RIU for a little while now but have not posted much yet. One of the things I have done is a lot of reading here. After reading awhile you can start to see who knows there stuff, and who is full of shit. I would recommend that be one of the first things you do here.

Now for the one thing, and I do not care if it is soil, hydro, indoor, outdoor, or whatever is humility. You should understand the years of experience and resources that are here on the forums. Everything, and I mean everything to get you started down the right path is right there in front of your eyes. Unfortunately there is a horrendous amount of BS that makes the good stuff harder to sort out. The humility I speak of is to show the men and women who know what the hell they are doing some respect. They know what they are doing because they have done it. Not just yammered about it on some boards. They are not going to do the work FOR you, but maybe and just maybe if you show an ounce of humility and respect, one of them will help guide you in the right direction.

I do not care what weight you are pulling from what set up, there is plenty here for us to learn. Maybe it is an age thing, there is an old saying that goes the older I get, the more I realize I do not know. Amen to that. Just realize there are people out there that know way more about it than you possibly do.

As my grandfather used to say take the cotton from your ears and put it in your mouth, you may just learn something.
Great post, nothing more annoying than trying to help someone who won't help themselves or expects handholding, sometimes getting pissed if you don't answer immediately. In general this is a very helpful community and a great resource, once you filter through the crap. No matter how much you know (or think you know?), you know shit and should always have an open mind to other's knowledge, opinions and new possibilities. A closed mind, apathy and arrogance are some of the greatest barriers to success.
I am no pro and have 1 years experience in just growing I never read a book, I am looking for advice and like the op said soon you will get the right people just by reading their posts..

I think some of the pros here are abit like hoes jumpy on things without an educated answer but with sarcastic manner I think that is very immature and put off even if they are the Gods of mj.

Good explanation would help to a contradicted questions.

Or even noob questions like so meny that I have but dare ask because of little fannies around that are quick to belittle you.

I don't care who you are or what you are, I'm just growing for me I don't need to pull 20 oz per plant...

I hate to smoke all that especially if it's shit lmao, picture that :spew:

I just wish everyone one would treat every one as their teacher rather than I got a PHD in botany so your my student.

I learned growing with just soil, light and seeds so i know few tricks that I picked up in those 11 months of constant fuck ups, but I am open to ideas on how to do things, so please anyone feel free to correct me because I am not allways right. And a school drop out lol but we are all students no mater how much/less your skills are you can be taught things too and don't be afraid to listen.bongsmilie

I don't know if I made sense, I'm smoking on blues while writing and I think I went deep and abit off subject lmao. One love to all growers :weed:
ok, yall...this is my 2nd run through on RIU. Was a member for a long while, posted a couple of threads that went sticky and was well respected. Then life happened and I stopped posting for a long time, just now returning. Anyway, when I first got here I knew nothing, all I had was a few hundred $ and a desire to grow medicine. The folks here on RIU seemed to be friendly and helpful. But, I knew that with watching videos, reading published material, and asking direct questions if stuck on some point I could grow marijuana.

Well, after spending 100's of hours studying I cracked my 1st seeds I used the KISS theory and grew in soil with good nutes. My avatar pic is my very 1st completed grow. Barney's Farm LSD in FFHF soil w/ cannaflora nutes. Under 250w HID, in a 36x24x60 tent. Harvested almost 2 ounces dry.

I do not claim that I am a 'green thumb' or am a cannabis whisperer, or that newbies need me to impart my wisdom so they can grow. I also do not have the arrogance to say that a newbie needs my advice to grow his or her own crop. I do not come into this forum with the intention of telling anyone how to grow. I can only speak from my experience. Explaining basics like watering, feeding, ph, rh, etc for the 1,000th time is a bit tedious. But I pick and choose what threads I respond to. Most of the time I find that with a gentle push a new grower will do what is necessary to find the answers on their own. If not they can keep taking advice from everyone and may or may not have success.

As my signature states there is a difference between growing weed and cultivating cannabis...the difference is KNOWLEDGE.

So, have some patience with newbies, we were all there once. And, if we had taken the advice of anyone who offered it instead of learning through study...we likely would have ended up growing weed...nuff said.

Good Luck and Great Grow!
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ok, yall...this is my 2nd run through on RIU. Was a member for a long while, posted a couple of threads that went sticky and was well respected. Then life happened and I stopped posting for a long time, just now returning. Anyway, when I first got here I knew nothing, all I had was a few hundred $ and a desire to grow medicine. The folks here on RIU seemed to be friendly and helpful. But, I knew that with watching videos, reading published material, and asking direct questions if stuck on some point I could grow marijuana.

Well, after spending 100's of hours studying I cracked my 1st seeds I used the KISS theory and grew in soil with good nutes. My avatar pic is my very 1st completed grow. Barney's Farm LSD in FFHF soil w/ cannaflora nutes. Under 250w HID, in a 36x24x60 tent. Harvested almost 2 ounces dry.

I do not claim that I am a 'green thumb' or am a cannabis whisperer, or that newbies need me to impart my wisdom so they can grow. I also do not have the arrogance to say that a newbie needs my advice to grow his or her own crop. I do not come into this forum with the intention of telling anyone how to grow. I can only speak from my experience. Explaining basics like watering, feeding, ph, rh, etc for the 1,000th time is a bit tedious. But I pick and choose what threads I respond to. Most of the time I find that with a gentle push a new grower will do what is necessary to find the answers on their own. If not they can keep taking advice from everyone and may or may not have success.

As my signature states there is a difference between growing weed and cultivating cannabis...the difference is KNOWLEDGE.

So, have some patience with newbies, we were all there once. And, if we had taking the advice of anyone who offered it instead of learning through study...we likely would have ended up growing weed...nuff said.

Good Luck and Great Grow!
Beautiful pic of the plant mate:bigjoint:
I am no pro and have 1 years experience in just growing I never read a book, I am looking for advice and like the op said soon you will get the right people just by reading their posts..

I think some of the pros here are abit like hoes jumpy on things without an educated answer but with sarcastic manner I think that is very immature and put off even if they are the Gods of mj.

Good explanation would help to a contradicted questions.

I hear you loud and clear, but I will bet you they get tired of answering the same questions over and over and then be told they are wrong ! I am sure most of the sarcasm and stuff comes from that. Some people need to measure their dicks, some do not. They do not. They do not have anything to prove to anyone.

One more note. 99% of the time the answer to your question has already been answered, and I think they are tired of dealing with lazy people. As I said in the first post, they are NOT going to do it for you !
I grow in soil and keep it simple. I always have a nice yield with just flourescents. I agree that sometimes people's advice is way more complicated than noobs want to here. It's just really not that hard. Good dirt, simple nutes, and as much light as you can afford, or grow space allows gets you a long ways.

One man's opinion. This works for your needs, the needs of others may be different, requiring a different approach.
I hear you loud and clear, but I will bet you they get tired of answering the same questions over and over and then be told they are wrong ! I am sure most of the sarcasm and stuff comes from that. Some people need to measure their dicks, some do not. They do not. They do not have anything to prove to anyone.

One more note. 99% of the time the answer to your question has already been answered, and I think they are tired of dealing with lazy people. As I said in the first post, they are NOT going to do it for you !
HMM...when last I looked the only true cannabis grower was nature, has that changed??

This is the NEWBIE forum is it not? New growers are excited, and red with anticipation. They see a seedling that THEY grew and are in a hurry to make it grow as best as they can. Most (if not all) have a lot of basic questions The simple fact is that as humans we all crave instant gratification. So, they come here. They are proud new parents and want healthy babies...but they need answers and quickly. So, they use this forum to get the basic questions answered QUICKLY. After the plant begins to thrive they ask a few questions AND HOPEFULLY do some research to substantiate the answers they receive.

Would more experienced** growers appreciate it if newbies did all the studying BEFORE popping seeds? YES! But did everyone on this forum do this? Probably not. As cannabis growers we need to do all we can to make sure no seed gets popped in vain.

**Notice the words more experienced growers. Anyone claiming to be an absolute expert at the cultivation of a plant with so many variables is not only showing ignorance but is also a pompous ass.
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I personally don't have to show you or anyone the size of my dick because I grow personal and only have to impress the wife.

Some questions are answered online through reading, but I would rather ask to see if a person experienced it and as for their knowledge on what ever it is.

Where my mom comes from farmers share ideas with other farmers to help better their crop easier way and practical examples.
But here it all secrets and rather tell you to buy AN nutes and lots of other type of poop. Just mho
HMM...when last I looked the only true cannabis grower was nature, has that changed??

This is the NEWBIE forum is it not? New growers are excited, and red with anticipation. They see a seedling that THEY grew and are in a hurry to make it grow as best as they can. Most (if not all) have a lot of basic questions The simple fact is that as humans we all crave instant gratification. So, they come here. They are proud new parents and want healthy babies...but they need answers and quickly. So, they use this forum to get the basic questions answered QUICKLY. After the plant begins to thrive they ask a few questions AND HOPEFULLY do some research to substantiate the answers they receive.

Would more experienced** growers appreciate it if newbies did all the studying BEFORE popping seeds? YES! But did everyone on this forum do this? Probably not. As cannabis growers we need to do all we can to make sure no seed gets popped in vain.

**Notice the words more experienced growers. Anyone claiming to be an absolute expert at the cultivation of a plant with so many variables is not only showing ignorance but is also a pompous ass.
basic questions are fine often these users want to be spoon fed and hand held through the entire process they will wait 40 mintues for someone to answer a question thats been asked already 10,000 times and answered ON THE SAME PAGE TOO( lol) instead of looking for the answer. Thats just lazy behaviour , and doesnt help them in the long run if they cant help themselves to figuring out and reading the plethora of information we have.

instead they make an account and demand we hand hold them.

Should you want to do differently than on here, dont call or insinuate people are pompous asses, that just does nothing to solve the problem infact that instigates more problems.
the best you can do is be apart of the solution by helping or and turning around behaviours of people around you ! ^_^
when you see bs use the report tool help the mods out
basic questions are fine often these users want to be spoon fed and hand held through the entire process they will wait 40 mintues for someone to answer a question thats been asked already 10,000 times and answered ON THE SAME PAGE TOO( lol) instead of looking for the answer. Thats just lazy behaviour , and doesnt help them in the long run if they cant help themselves to figuring out and reading the plethora of information we have.

instead they make an account and demand we hand hold them.

Should you want to do differently than on here, dont call or insinuate people are pompous asses, that just does nothing to solve the problem infact that instigates more problems.
the best you can do is be apart of the solution by helping or and turning around behaviours of people around you ! ^_^
when you see bs use the report tool help the mods out
HMMM an administrator and staff member complaining about the people that feed their forum?

I am also frustrated by those who seem to have no willingness to learn on their own. Hence, I don't have respond to their threads. As the saying goes horse to the water etc is true...but if he doesn't drink do we shoot the horse?

I don't advocate wasting time with lazy people, I don't do it nor should anyone. But rather than answering their basic questions again and again, I suggest researching and try to offer some posts or other literature that may or may not help them. If they continue to 'demand' hand holding...unwatched, unread thread, simple as that.
HMMM an administrator and staff member complaining about the people that feed their forum?

I am also frustrated by those who seem to have no willingness to learn on their own. Hence, I don't have respond to their threads. As the saying goes horse to the water etc is true...but if he doesn't drink do we shoot the horse?

I don't advocate wasting time with lazy people, I don't do it nor should anyone. But rather than answering their basic questions again and again, I suggest researching and try to offer some posts or other literature that may or may not help them. If they continue to 'demand' hand holding...unwatched, unread thread, simple as that.
i am not complaining simply saying what happens and why, as i have been here for many many years now
i am not complaining simply saying what happens and why, as i have been here for many many years now

I know that Sunni, I was 1st a member in 2011 (under a slightly different screen name) and I remember and respect you. And, I am not trying to troll or pick a fight with you now. I have read many almost identical posts such the as the OP of this thread. In fact, I even wrote 1 or 2 (or was it 3? LOL!) myself.

I am just saying that while we all know the answers are out their and easily found just by reading through this forum, particularly in the stickies...newbies will still be newbies...can't kill `em, right? So we may as well either try to steer them in the right direction or we should just stick to the grow room and advanced grow forums and let the noobs fend for themselves.
HMMM an administrator and staff member complaining about the people that feed their forum?

I am also frustrated by those who seem to have no willingness to learn on their own. Hence, I don't have respond to their threads. As the saying goes horse to the water etc is true...but if he doesn't drink do we shoot the horse?

I don't advocate wasting time with lazy people, I don't do it nor should anyone. But rather than answering their basic questions again and again, I suggest researching and try to offer some posts or other literature that may or may not help them. If they continue to 'demand' hand holding...unwatched, unread thread, simple as that.
Isnt that what you are doing tho...complaining about people on riu..
I know that Sunni, I was 1st a member in 2011 (under a slightly different screen name) and I remember and respect you. And, I am not trying to troll or pick a fight with you now. I have read many almost identical posts such the as the OP of this thread. In fact, I even wrote 1 or 2 (or was it 3? LOL!) myself.

I am just saying that while we all know the answers are out their and easily found just by reading through this forum, particularly in the stickies...newbies will still be newbies...can't kill `em, right? So we may as well either try to steer them in the right direction or we should just stick to the grow room and advanced grow forums and let the noobs fend for themselves.
I never said to kill them youre not fully understanding what im trying to say or youre making it seem worse than it is , I simply said some newbies really just dont wanna do any work or reading themselves, they want to be forced fed information
plenty of users dedicate their time to helping people and newbies everyday and some new users who sport the i refuse to look at the thread under me for an answer get shafted.
theres 2 sides to every story and how it goes