the numbers for nutrients for floering.


read some where that the nitrogen should be down for flowering, but how high can ya go , with posphrase and other nutrient, does anyone know ???

N-P-P ???? the numbers for the for flowering how high can i go

MJ4EVER :bigjoint: :leaf:


hi Growers, i was wondering i have just ended the first day in flowering, wondering, need some help, as i am a first timer, i have the ionic range of nutes and i am wondering how much grow when you are using the bloom as well? do you weaken it a bit as i am using 14ml per 2litres, now that i am in flowering how much of grow and bloom together with 2Litres, any answers?


Well-Known Member
doesnt they bottle say how to use the product mine has a feeding schedule on the back it is very basic but gives a good idea


Well-Known Member
read some where that the nitrogen should be down for flowering, but how high can ya go , with posphrase and other nutrient, does anyone know ???

N-P-P ???? the numbers for the for flowering how high can i go

MJ4EVER :bigjoint: :leaf:
3-2-6 is good IMO.