the new mephedrone!!


Well-Known Member
just some kind insite to the new drugs that have taken the place of mephedrone.

.as most people were pretty pissed when meow came a class B like another favourite drug of mine... but i searched and have bought every legal high known to man, the best are NRG+ , MDAI , but the best by far are called - JOLLY GREEN GRANUELS -
these are £18 a gram (well worth it) or 5g for £80 10g for £145 ect,
i would recommend you try the granuels at least once. i have found with jolly green it has absoloutly no comedown i wake up and im ready the next day! it also doesnt stop you from being able to sleep. so i defontaley recommend the jolly green to anyone who enjoys mephedrone or MDMA, im not going to advertise the website but just type jolly green granuels into google!

thanks and feedback from anyone else who has tryed them would be great, or is going to try them and needs info i will be happy to give it :shock:


Well-Known Member
hey i want some
can ya pm me with a good place to score please
i missed the whole plant food thing by 1 day in the uk


Oracle of Hallucinogens
You think NRG1 is good? Everyone I know says it blows.. to the best of my knowledge it's Naphyrone & MDPV; and everyone I know who has tried Naphyrone hates it. Also, I have heard MDAI is piss weak...

I think you would be far better off with 4-EMC, 4-BMC, Butylone, or Methylone... hell 6-APB sounds pretty good.