The new law in the uk...


Well-Known Member
The 3 rd of friends was banned from driving on friday,for have cannabis in his swob the traffic police took.they are fucking loveing it and seem to be swobbing any young driver that is pulled over now,i can see the roads been far less busy if this carries on.

You can have alcohol in your blood has long has you are under the legal limit,but cannabis if it shows ban,same with any illegal substance,and some legal ones.

You have to inform dvla and your insurance about all the meds that say may cause drowsiness,insurance will go through the roof,yet another anti drug war,aimed im sure at cannabis users,

I read all the paper work carefully, and you should declare any meds like anti depresents benzo's any thing that causes drowsiness ,fucking british goverment hate the fuckers bunch of tossers,
2 just had cannabis in there system they was banned judge said they could be a danger to the public,he said it was the same has driveing over the limit with these new super charged cannabis kinds dont think he knew the word strains.

The other was below the legal limit alcohol wise but still had it in his system,but he made a song and dance about cannabis again he said a lethal cocktail ffs get a fucking life,i need to use oil its meds to me so does my partner,i am trying my hardest to get a thc free oil at the min,to try lets see if that still counts if you take away the high bit of cannabis,low thc strains have worked great like cannatonic,but never tried total thc free,lets hope my mad scientist friend does iit soon

But i have a funny feeling it will need the thc to work well has a med even in low amounts
HERE HERE.....totally agree with you mate .....the system's a complete and utter shambles in the UK....I had a helicopter follow me until the traffic mob pulled me over .....lmao....just to let me go.....and all because someone seen me USING DRUGS.......rolling a fat one......fkn shambles....
HERE HERE.....totally agree with you mate .....the system's a complete and utter shambles in the UK....I had a helicopter follow me until the traffic mob pulled me over .....lmao....just to let me go.....and all because someone seen me USING DRUGS.......rolling a fat one......fkn shambles....

Damn thats fucked up, they have nothing better to do then watch people on the road? They should be paying attention to the fucking road in front of them, not everyone else's business around them. Fuck i hate people like that, scumbags with no life.
The whole system is fxckd up.
I mean people can buy alcohol over the counter and nearly every shop but weed is illegal?.
Still don't think I'm right?
Explain this one how the hell is "Legal" high legal? I mean that shit is way worser than bud, I mean how many people have died from smoking weed? Non! The most is a K.o but that's all, and that legal high shit has taken lives WTF
:finger:da law and :bigjoint:a draw!:blsmoke:
interesting i wonder if the anal probe is allowed in the police officer check ,, first of all i think
IMO i think its against constitutional rights i mean , a person can say listen sorry i do not allow any foreign object into my mouth , Also can i ask the reason i was pulled over ?? is the a raciest lol watch sherlock holmes eyebrow lift up
Yea totally agree fukall will b resolved as long as the conservatives are at the helm.........but then again their all as bad as each outher.....
I think the whole vote thing is fixed, the conservatives have got most of the country on there side so they already know they have won, but the shitheads who are voting for them have no idea there voting for ararseholes who in a few years time will not give a rats ass about any but howmuch $$ the gov is making. Not to mention new laws Etc etc basically wer all fukd
i am in the UK and glad i don't drive the new laws is an outrage cos they swob for legal drugs from your doctors and do you that way this country is going tits up with this joke of a government