The New Capitol Bomber

It's pretty sad. But a day that everyone who lives in their Mom's basement will someday have to face. Where do you go when Mom dies?

In this man's case. a very nice federal mental facility. Looks like it worked out alright for him.
It's pretty sad. But a day that everyone who lives in their Mom's basement will someday have to face. Where do you go when Mom dies?

In this man's case. a very nice federal mental facility. Looks like it worked out alright for him.
Damn, this guy is getting red carpet treatment. Everybody is so sensitive about his anguish and difficulty.

Gasp, his Mother died, oh the outpouring of empathy for him. There 350 million people in this country. Near as I can tell, we all have a mother. If this becomes an acceptable excuse, these events will become a daily occurrence. The empathy and kid glove treatment probably only applies to balding middle aged white men, so, maybe it's only about 30% of 350 million that will go off. Everybody else had better not try it or they will get Chauvined or tried for terrorism.

Has any of the right wing white terrorist channels said he's Antifa? If not, you heard it here first.
Damn, this guy is getting red carpet treatment. Everybody is so sensitive about his anguish and difficulty.

Gasp, his Mother died, oh the outpouring of empathy for him. There 350 million people in this country. Near as I can tell, we all have a mother. If this becomes an acceptable excuse, these events will become a daily occurrence. The empathy and kid glove treatment probably only applies to balding middle aged white men, so, maybe it's only about 30% of 350 million that will go off. Everybody else had better not try it or they will get Chauvined or tried for terrorism.

Has any of the right wing white terrorist channels said he's Antifa? If not, you heard it here first.

he didn't seem too upset during his FB Livestream..i didn't read that..his son said he didn't know why he was doing it.
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Oh good grief. I just saw some video of that right wing lunatic. He's ranting about people dying in Afghanistan. Since when did that racist start giving a damn about people with dark skin? He's also probably an anti mask and vaccine nutcase as well. He doesn't seem to concerned about all the people in America dying of Covid. He calls himself a patriot which is the furthest thing from the truth. He's a piece of shit traitor like all those other ones that attacked the Capitol Building. He should be locked up in a Supermax prison for the rest of his life.
It's pretty sad. But a day that everyone who lives in their Mom's basement will someday have to face. Where do you go when Mom dies?

In this man's case. a very nice federal mental facility. Looks like it worked out alright for him.
That seems to be where most of the white domestic terrorist go. Oh, he has a history of mental illness, blah, blah, blah. If he was Mexican, black or other, they would have lit his ass up. Headline: He had a history of criminal behavior…and the beat goes on.
That seems to be where most of the white domestic terrorist go. Oh, he has a history of mental illness, blah, blah, blah. If he was Mexican, black or other, they would have lit his ass up. Headline: He had a history of criminal behavior…and the beat goes on.
Doubt that
Take a look at this picture from 15 years ago. Number 38 to the left. Shot his team mate in the head cold blood. And then went to the game and took a knee for him Black man got away with murder cold blood with all fingers pointed. And guess. He just got arrested 5 days ago. Walked free as a black man for 15 years. I don’t care about fucking perverts who look like perverts. I’m worried about people like this. Number 38. Who can shoot you between the eyes and still look you in the face the next day to mourn. That’s scary.


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