The new and improved fucked pu thin thread! (no porn)


New Member
This is the rant about homophobia and racism thread. It was the fucked up thing thread but apprently everyone would much rather trol leach other about racism and homophobia. It all started with my post about the oxycontin express which OBVIOUSLY would lead to this.

If you are here too actually post fucked up things NO PORN. Or the thread will be deleted again.




Active Member
im from south florida and i love oxy its just like weed in cali or any other mmj state, u can get it at any doctors office on the corner


Well-Known Member
im from south florida and i love oxy its just like weed in cali or any other mmj state, u can get it at any doctors office on the corner


This is why i hate living here in Florida. Piece of shit pill heads (and proud ones at that, as demonstrated above) and old people are 93% of our population. <--Needs to get to a MMJ state fast.



Well-Known Member
Does anyone know someone who is on roxy's and livin a good successful life? Didin't think so! Case and point! Maybe I should go to Washington too cause i'm in the great oxy state of Fla. as well.


Well-Known Member
Come to Washington pussymoneyweed.
I need to go somewhere soon haha. I'd honestly love to go to California, but that seems too be everybody elses plan too. Then factoring the shitty employment, Cost of living, ect.. that dream pretty much goes to shit. So lately ive been considering Colorado, Washington, or maybe even oregon. Im tired of the scene over here and just need something new. It's sad to say i only hang out with two people that i grew up with due to EVERYBODY else going and turning into a theiving pillhead. I basically keep to myself nowadays due to most people being scummy peices of shit 0_o

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I need to go somewhere soon haha. I'd honestly love to go to California, but that seems too be everybody elses plan too. Then factoring the shitty employment, Cost of living, ect.. that dream pretty much goes to shit. So lately ive been considering Colorado, Washington, or maybe even oregon. Im tired of the scene over here and just need something new. It's sad to say i only hang out with two people that i grew up with due to EVERYBODY else going and turning into a theiving pillhead. I basically keep to myself nowadays due to most people being scummy peices of shit 0_o
Agreed. Well you've got a friend and hook up in spokane if you ever decide.


New Member
Okay well I love talking about real estate as much as the next guy but anyone got any other fucked up things too share?...

And I do agree. I know NO ONE addicted too roxys living a good life. i use too shoot them 5-7 times a day...there fucked up stuff.


Well-Known Member
Yes I have been there and hey moron stereotypes only exist bc there is at least some generalized truth to it. That's like I couldn't say shit to someone if they made a statement about Florida being a pillhead state. Yes that is a stereotype but there is some truth to it just like there is truth to Cali (some areas more than others) being a haven for tree-hugging queer types. Is it a stereotype, yes. Is there some truth to it, YES! To call people from AL, or TN, or SC bible thumpers is a stereotype but generally speaking those states cling more to Christian values that is why it's called the bible belt. So while it would be stereotypical to call them bible thumpers that still doesn't change the fact that in general there is truth to it. So with that said I will repeat my very valid point. I hate the tree-hugging, queer types that take up shop in Cali. If ur not a tree-hugging queer type then that wouldn't apply to you. If it does apply to you then FUCK YOU FAGGOT!
I gotta give it up on the stereotype thing. True is true. I take back the moron comment. You're just a garden-variety homophobe, and you'd be amazed at how many of those we have out here.


Well-Known Member
I gotta give it up on the stereotype thing. True is true. I take back the moron comment. You're just a garden-variety homophobe, and you'd be amazed at how many of those we have out here.
lol you wouldn't be amazed at how many we have here.... its expected here. they breed them big dumb and far right wing republican here. now thats fucked up.
