The Murky World of RC's


Well-Known Member
I thought about looking into buying some of these today but as soon as I started searching I was discouraged by all the scam and the amount of heat on this topic. So I ask, is it even worth looking for a reputable vendor or someone who isn't going to poison me?


Well-Known Member
Haha yea. A few years ago I found a company in Germany and their products where always good just takes some time to find a trustworthy company. Don't give up just after one day


Active Member
Yes, it's worth looking into. If you would like a few site recommendations, shoot me a pm.


Active Member
check vendor reviews on SoS

Go into all transactions expecting to be scammed, and you can never be let down!


Active Member
check vendor reviews on SoS

This is excellent advice and can be a life saver. It's Safeorscam and you enter the vendors full web address in the search function. You don't need an invite to view vendor reviews.


Well-Known Member
Better stock up while you can because the US is already working on a bill to outlaw all 2C-X chemicals. I personally stocked up on a lifetime supply of 2C-E, 17 grams altogether. It's only a matter of time until they are all illegal. I found 2C-E to be probably the best of the lot so that's the one I stocked up on. Fortunately I live in Canada where I can easily obtain RC's, for now. The Harper government is sure to crack down before long though. Health Canada is already blocking one company's imports from China. Only one reliable site left in Canada now.