The Monetary System: Corruption, Greed, and Death


Active Member
Pleas e spend a little time to realize what is going on. We are being lied to over money. The greed and corruption today is unbelievable.

I urge everyone who is smart and wants their eyes to be widely opened of what is TRULY going on in society to watch the Zeitgeist! This is a set of documentary like movies that show the truth of what is really going on behind our backs without us knowing it.

Here is a short version since i know many are lazy and will not watch the full 2 hour version. please spend some time to watch this and spread the word.

(if you are even too lazy to watch the whole 5 short clips, which are no longer than 10 minutes each, then just watch part 3 and part 5 to get a gist)

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Once watched, i'm open to discussion with anyone to answer question or just to discuss this disgusting scheme.

If you enjoy this, visit the Zeitgeist website to watch the full 2 hour version.( i suggest watching it high, its much more understandable:joint:)

Over 50% of the population lives off 2 dollars a day. Why is it that we here in America have it so god damn good, and people around the world live everyday trying to survive because they don't have food or the right medicine. Their is something very wrong with the system and something needs to begin to change. These politicians and bankers have fucked us and stolen our money and basically enslaved us. We will be in debt and stay in debt till the end of time if the monetary system is not disabled.


Well-Known Member
I've seen it before. I'm not ignorant of the concepts it's portraying but I largely ignore them in hopes that it's truly not like that.

I'm just keeping my eyes open, for the moment.

Pulling Tubes

Active Member
Americn citizens are running around like busy little worker ants paying bills, taxes and "interest" (aka bank owners *rockafeller* paychecks), just so those greedy motherfuckers can have world domination and do what ever the fuck they want. but its not just that. they're going to be able to have us do what ever they want for them? if we all stoped working. everyone. everysingle person who does not work for the governtment or federal reserve. then they'd be fucked. is this why people claim to be disabled to get an unemployment check? to not be trapped in the unending cycle of debt and to not contribute to wealth these greedy bitches are getting? maybe they've been right all along then. maybe we shouldn't work hard to persue a profession and just do what ever the fuck we want. use that unemplyment check for food & shelter cause thats all we need.


Active Member
i understand your not ignorant but most people (americans) are just like you. They all ignore the fact and do not want to believe such corruption is occurring today. I'm not saying its a bad thing because we are raised up not to question the TRUE system that is so screwed up. In a way they have blinded us from seeing the truth, and i was blind till i saw the video and all my beliefs and thoughts have changed completely.

Yep, money truly is. That's why we need to get rid of the monetary system. The rich get richer while the poor get poorer.

Pulling Tubes,
We are basically slaves without shelter or food. We just get that so-called paycheck. We work an entire year and only get paid for 4 months after all the taxes and bullshit we pay. It really is an unending cycle of debt and all the money that we work so hard for go straight into the pocket of these damn bankers.

Please spread the word and inform people. I cannot believe how some people have become so blind as to what truly is going on today and for the past 100 years.