The men who built America


Active Member
Hey this isn't really political, but I figure we care about this country a lot. The history channel is doing a film on the men who built america. The first two episodes were great. Is anyone going to watch it? It starts in 15 min.



Well-Known Member
that was an interesting watch so far.

we'll have to flip on over to that after the mark twain prize is over.


Active Member
Crazy some of the things happened back then. No wonder we have regulations and employee rights. If the business men had there way, we would have slave labor and monopolized industries.



Well-Known Member
Liberals seem to have a problem with our countries founding, and believe the constitution is irrelevant to modern day America. So no, they will not be watching.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I've watched the first few episodes and find it very interesting to see how those men manopolized industries, good thing someone stepped in to stop it or we'd all be still living as it was then. I like the history channel, they have good programs.


Active Member
Holy shit! Crazy episode. J.P. Morgan what a shady guy. Poor edison gets cut out of the company. Then JP morgan bullies westinghouse for the tesla patent. He's was like the bain capital of the early 20th century lol. He bought companies streamlined them and sold them for a profit. Look at the divide of rich and poor during the early stages of our industrial boom. You want to admire these men because of there contributions to society. But you see that greed led to poor working conditions, like working more hours at a lower pay.

It was crazy the smear campaign Rockafeller did after he found out that jp morgan and edison were gaining with electricity. Then when tesla goes on his own direction and starts to expand, JP morgan starts a smear campaign about A/C electricity.

It makes you wonder what certain businessmen would do if they had no regulation.

Cant wait till the last episode. I love the history channel.


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
You mean like Rupert Murdoch's empire getting sued for unethical behavior (this happened more than once) which they settle out of court for a measly sum? Then he buys the company that sued him and shuts them down or sells them off piecemeal. The CEO's of the companies he bought get huge payouts and the regular employees are out of work.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit! Crazy episode. J.P. Morgan what a shady guy. Poor edison gets cut out of the company. Then JP morgan bullies westinghouse for the tesla patent. He's was like the bain capital of the early 20th century lol. He bought companies streamlined them and sold them for a profit. Look at the divide of rich and poor during the early stages of our industrial boom. You want to admire these men because of there contributions to society. But you see that greed led to poor working conditions, like working more hours at a lower pay.

It was crazy the smear campaign Rockafeller did after he found out that jp morgan and edison were gaining with electricity. Then when tesla goes on his own direction and starts to expand, JP morgan starts a smear campaign about A/C electricity.

It makes you wonder what certain businessmen would do if they had no regulation.

Cant wait till the last episode. I love the history channel.


In many cases, immigrants working in factories in the north had it worse than slaves in the south.


Well-Known Member
Dude I have been hooked on that show. it is some pretty good acting for a tv show. granted they uses the same factory for every entrepreneur but what can you expect it is so detailed must of cost a fortune.



Well-Known Member
so, basically, nothing has changed in this country....peace
You've got it my friend it's still the same, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, doen't mater how many regulations are imposed, there's lots of greedy bastards out there who don't give a s***t abt us. we strugle to make a living while they sit back and wollow in there money. guess it will never change tho. thank God for helps me hang in there has ha ha.

Krayven Sumhead

Well-Known Member
Henry Ford wouldn't allow his employees to talk while working for him on the assembly line.

Look at any of the old film reels and all his workers were silent.


Active Member
Yeah but ford offered double the going rate of pay. I just find it amazing that Carnegie, Rockafeller and JP Morgan came together and bought the election(sound familiar 2012?) between Mckinley and William Jennings Bryan. The only thing different today is the rich still put in mass amounts of money for their puppet and Barack still won. The one thing that big business told their workers back then was if they vote Bryan a bunch of layoffs will happen(sound familiar 2012?). Mckinley won and regulation was reduced and big business went back to making massive profits(glad Romney lost). Then Mckinley was assassinated and Roosevelt came in and broke up the monopolies. Funny history tends to repeat itself. Big business buying influence and fighting to make the most profit even if it means hurting the middle class and the environment.



Well-Known Member
Holy shit! Crazy episode. J.P. Morgan what a shady guy. Poor edison gets cut out of the company. Then JP morgan bullies westinghouse for the tesla patent. He's was like the bain capital of the early 20th century lol. He bought companies streamlined them and sold them for a profit. Look at the divide of rich and poor during the early stages of our industrial boom. You want to admire these men because of there contributions to society. But you see that greed led to poor working conditions, like working more hours at a lower pay.

It was crazy the smear campaign Rockafeller did after he found out that jp morgan and edison were gaining with electricity. Then when tesla goes on his own direction and starts to expand, JP morgan starts a smear campaign about A/C electricity.

It makes you wonder what certain businessmen would do if they had no regulation.

Cant wait till the last episode. I love the history channel.

These businessmen use regulation to get what they want more often than not. When you own the politicians that write them it becomes easier to do so.

Anyway, the folks you mention contributed a lot to society, nothing positive and they're most certainly evil individuals at their core. There's no conflict of emotion here. Obvious and blatant sociopaths behaving like sociopaths for their own benefit destroying others where necessary or entertaining.


Well-Known Member
You've got it my friend it's still the same, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, doen't mater how many regulations are imposed, there's lots of greedy bastards out there who don't give a s***t abt us. we strugle to make a living while they sit back and wollow in there money. guess it will never change tho. thank God for helps me hang in there has ha ha.
Regulations are written by those who would benefit from them. It is not usually the public.


New Member
so, basically, nothing has changed in this country....peace
It's relatively still the same, we still have the people willing to take the risks to invest and build, the greed that comes of it, the people who work for those people, the lazy ones who would rather complain than work and the government who profits from all of them.

The only thing that's changed is the lazy are now out numbering the willing!


Well-Known Member
In many cases, immigrants working in factories in the north had it worse than slaves in the south.
Keep telling yourself that althor. It is just one more of the lovely lies the right manages in order to romanticise our past.

The immigrants weren't whipped, sold, their families weren't sold and they had the option of actually leaving where they worked.

In short, no matter how bad immigrants had it it was in NO cases as bad as slaves had it.