the IBOGA ...


Hello all,

IBOGA is a Plant powerfull... easy for cultivate. Much dose = big hallucination :eyesmoke: Boum, Boum :eyesmoke:

many active ownership and opportunity to hallucinate ! Plant before use by soldiers for the combat...

IBOGA = Ibogaine = Strong Stupéfiant !

the mushroom side of Iboga is the baby-milk... LOL !
very powerfull substance !

(sorry for my bad english)



Well-Known Member
Please don't try iboga on your own at least the first time (althoug its unlikely you will repeat it, unless you have a serious addiction problem)
Currently the fatalities stand at about 10 deaths per 1000, used to be much higher before ibogaHCl was available. Most of it is sudden death. One case even 4 days after the treatment.
You need a barage of physical tests before you take the jump. This is one NOT_RECREATIONAL drug.
I've heard similar information to what ANC said, though I'm not sure if the fatality rate is really quite that high.

And I've also gotten the impression it's not really suited as a recreational drug, because most of the experiences are usually negative and too overwhelming even for many psychonauts. It's supposedly best useful for breaking addictions to other drugs, though I believe all hallucinogens possess this quality to some extent (since they take you out of one role and put you in another role where you see things differently).

I'd urge you to read into the user experiences on and weighing the good and bad reviews before making up your mind.

And yeah, I think a sitter is a must. I can see folks safely doing shrooms or LSD without a sitter, but I think a sitter is a must for ibogaine.

Be safe! :)

Mr.Therapy Man

Well-Known Member
Where I can I get iboga,Ive got a lot of people I know who are additted to opiates sobad that its about to end their life.Ive been reseaching this for two rears I just cant find the iboga.Iboga cures a large percentenge of herion and methadone addicts.Any help would be great........Peace out


Well-Known Member
From what i understand while under the influence of Ibogaine you are mostly completely debilitated, pretty much so laid out you just lay in bed for like 9-15 hours. I am under the impression that the things that the chemical shows you are very significant and influential, some describe it as being set in front of a T.V. and given a remote and have the ability to play through any of your life experiences and these images and thoughts and connections that are made on the drug somehow are psychologically strong enough to break the mental addiction to a drug that generally feeds off of habit. After you have finished the trip there is a new neurotransmitter that can be found produced in the brain for upto four months called nor-ibogaine. It is the part of the experience that is thought to stop the physical side of chemical dependence.

It should be very interesting to see how research into the neuropharmacology of Ibogaine will lead us, my thinking is that the images we see are somehow directly related to chemicals in our brain. Even the most basic workings of experience and consciousness could be directly linked to the various chemicals that are produced and ingested on a regular basis.



Well-Known Member
Where I can I get iboga,Ive got a lot of people I know who are additted to opiates sobad that its about to end their life.Ive been reseaching this for two rears I just cant find the iboga.Iboga cures a large percentenge of herion and methadone addicts.Any help would be great........Peace out

There are clinics in Mexico that specialize in Iboga treatment for addiction.