The I word


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Impeachment by the People
By Howard Zinn, AlterNet. Posted February 3, 2007.

Remembering our country's history of grassroots movements can energize calls for impeachment of Bush and Cheney.

Courage is in short supply in Washington, D.C. The realities of the Iraq War cry out for the overthrow of a government that is criminally responsible for death, mutilation, torture, humiliation, chaos.

But all we hear in the nation's capital, which is the source of those catastrophes, is a whimper from the Democratic Party, muttering and nattering about "unity" and "bipartisanship," in a situation that calls for bold action to immediately reverse the present course.
These are the Democrats who were brought to power in November by an electorate fed up with the war, furious at the Bush Administration, and counting on the new majority in Congress to represent the voters.
But if sanity is to be restored in our national policies, it can only come about by a great popular upheaval, pushing both Republicans and Democrats into compliance with the national will.
The Declaration of Independence, revered as a document but ignored as a guide to action, needs to be read from pulpits and podiums, on street corners and community radio stations throughout the nation. Its words, forgotten for over two centuries, need to become a call to action for the first time since it was read aloud to crowds in the early excited days of the American Revolution: "Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and institute new government."
The "ends" referred to in the Declaration are the equal right of all to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." True, no government in the history of the nation has been faithful to those ends. Favors for the rich, neglect of the poor, massive violence in the interest of continental and world expansion -- that is the persistent record of our government.
Still, there seems to be a special viciousness that accompanies the current assault on human rights, in this country and in the world. We have had repressive governments before, but none has legislated the end of habeas corpus, nor openly supported torture, nor declared the possibility of war without end. No government has so casually ignored the will of the people, affirmed the right of the president to ignore the Constitution, even to set aside laws passed by Congress.
The time is right, then, for a national campaign calling for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney.
Representative John Conyers, who held extensive hearings and introduced an impeachment resolution when the Republicans controlled Congress, is now head of the House Judiciary Committee and in a position to fight for such a resolution. He has apparently been silenced by his Democratic colleagues who throw out as nuggets of wisdom the usual political palaver about "realism" (while ignoring the realities staring them in the face) and politics being "the art of the possible" (while setting limits on what is possible).
I know I'm not the first to talk about impeachment. Indeed, judging by the public opinion polls, there are millions of Americans, indeed a majority of those polled, who declare themselves in favor if it is shown that the President lied us into war (a fact that is not debatable).
There are at least a half-dozen books out on impeachment, and it's been argued for eloquently by some of our finest journalists, John Nichols and Lewis Lapham among them. Indeed, an actual "indictment" has been drawn up by a former federal prosecutor, Elizabeth de la Vega, in a new book called United States v. George W. Bush et al, making a case, in devastating detail, to a fictional grand jury.
There is a logical next step in this development of an impeachment movement: the convening of "people's impeachment hearings" all over the country. This is especially important given the timidity of the Democratic Party. Such hearings would bypass Congress, which is not representing the will of the people, and would constitute an inspiring example of grassroots democracy.
These hearings would be the contemporary equivalents of the unofficial gatherings that marked the resistance to the British Crown in the years leading up to the American Revolution. The story of the American Revolution is usually built around Lexington and Concord, around the battles and the Founding Fathers. What is forgotten is that the American colonists, unable to count on redress of their grievances from the official bodies of government, took matters into their own hands, even before the first battles of the Revolutionary War.
In 1772, town meetings in Massachusetts began setting up Committees of Correspondence, and the following year, such a committee was set up in Virginia. The first Continental Congress, beginning to meet in 1774, was a recognition that an extralegal body was necessary to represent the interests of the people. In 1774 and 1775, all through the colonies, parallel institutions were set up outside the official governmental bodies.
Throughout the nation's history, the failure of government to deliver justice has led to the establishment of grassroots organizations, often ad hoc, dissolving after their purpose was fulfilled. For instance, after passage of the Fugitive Slave Act, knowing that the national government could not be counted on to repeal the act, black and white anti-slavery groups organized to nullify the law by acts of civil disobedience. They held meetings, made plans, and set about rescuing escaped slaves who were in danger of being returned to their masters.
In the desperate economic conditions of 1933 and 1934, before the Roosevelt Administration was doing anything to help people in distress, local groups were formed all over the country to demand government action. Unemployed Councils came into being, tenants' groups fought evictions, and hundreds of thousands of people in the country formed self-help organizations to exchange goods and services and enable people to survive.
More recently, we recall the peace groups of the 1980s, which sprang up in hundreds of communities all over the country, and provoked city councils and state legislatures to pass resolutions in favor of a freeze on nuclear weapons. And local organizations have succeeded in getting more than 400 city councils to take a stand against the Patriot Act.
Impeachment hearings all over the country could excite and energize the peace movement. They would make headlines, and could push reluctant members of Congress in both parties to do what the Constitution provides for and what the present circumstances demand: the impeachment and removal from office of George Bush and Dick Cheney. Simply raising the issue in hundreds of communities and Congressional districts would have a healthy effect, and would be a sign that democracy, despite all attempts to destroy it in this era of war, is still alive.
For information on how to get involved in the impeachment effort, go to After Downing Street.


New Member
I read the article in its entirety. I couldn't find the "High crimes and Mistameanors" (sp) that Bush would be charged with. Kindly point them out, Med. Thanks ...



New Member
I read the article in its entirety. I couldn't find the "High crimes and Mistameanors" (sp) that Bush would be charged with. Kindly point them out, Med. Thanks ...

Lying to the American people and congress about the WMDs to start a war for profit. Outing of an undercover CIA agent, Valerie Plaim. Conspiring with the corporations to rig high oil prices and letting no-bid contracts out to friends. Spiriting the Bin-Laden family out of the country after 911. Absolute telling of outright lies to the congress and the American people about everything you can think of since coming into office, Now dorkwad, prove me wrong! If ever a president and vice president deserved impeachment, these are the ones.


Well-Known Member
this is an empty and trivial article.

why are dems so angry all the time? when a dem gets voted in you don't see this kind of hateful, malignant spew coming from reps.

what makes dems so hateful and angry at everyone not like them?


New Member
why are dems so angry all the time? when a dem gets voted in you don't see this kind of hateful, malignant spew coming from reps.
Are you fucking kidding, they are the kings of hateful rhetoric. During both the 00 and 04 elections it was the Republican assholes that did 90% of the hateful lying about their opponents, you must have flipped your lid!


Well-Known Member
ok, i know i can google what you just said into oblivion but what about today? why are so many dems simply anti-bush? they don't have anything except hate for the guy. partisan bs. repubs can actually go to the dem side if they want to but dems never concede, it's all "party line"..all the time.


New Member
ok, i know i can google what you just said into oblivion but what about today? why are so many dems simply anti-bush? they don't have anything except hate for the guy. partisan bs. repubs can actually go to the dem side if they want to but dems never concede, it's all "party line"..all the time.
And just what the fuck has it been for the last 6+ years, you are delusional to say the least. I certainly hope the Dems stick together like the reps did and stick it to the Bush regime, no administration has ever deserved a comeuppance as much as them. 6 fucking years of republican dominance has gotten us into this mess were in, and now that ther Dems are trying to pull us out you are bitching, Typical, and boring! Maybe you should stick to chanting verse from Mine Kampff.


Well-Known Member
i dont disagree a bit that they should be picked up by their necks and thrown out of the question is where is the dems plan??people get too stuck on being a rep. or dem. that it clouds their judgement,i like to consider myself an american not a republican,or a democrat just an american.but i would love to see some kind of plan from the dems on how we can fix all of this.the anti war rallys make me sick..i live very close to d.c and i see all the people talking shit about the president and yet thats all their doing is barking,no actian is being taken and thats what i want to see.


Well-Known Member
And just what the fuck has it been for the last 6+ years, you are delusional to say the least. I certainly hope the Dems stick together like the reps did and stick it to the Bush regime, no administration has ever deserved a comeuppance as much as them. 6 fucking years of republican dominance has gotten into this mess were in and now that ther Dems are trying to pull us out you are bitching, Typical, and boring! Maybe you should stick to chanting verse from Mine Kampff.

many reps said hey, "let's leave the guy alone" when your boy was in their lowering the standards for everyone. what dem today has that sense of patriotism? who stands with the people and supports the president?


Well-Known Member
"High crimes and Misdemeanors"
Circumventing congress by executive order..... Read the constitution Vi.


New Member
what dem today has that sense of patriotism? who stands with the people and supports the President?
Hey dorkwad, only 29% of the people stand with this dumb ass president, and if I ever hear of a Democrat standing with him, I'll make damn sure I don't vote for that asshole, Lieberman is the ass of the Senate in my opinion! Any Democrat that thinks it his patriotic duty to vote with this asswipe deserves to be thrown out of the party for good! A real Patriot would vote to stop funding this Idiotic war and bring home the troops, and don't start with that bullshit that it would hurt the troops, a removal of troops would certainly provide for their protection. Bring them home now!!!


Well-Known Member
why don't you go here and really make a difference:

IAVA - Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America - Troops' Charities

let's bring them home with victory instead of loss. let's give meaning to the lost lives by making it a better world instead of a cauldron of hate. let's be glad we have a president who doesn't wake up and decide what to do based on polls and how likely he is to make money with books and at speaking engagements after his term. let's remember the 3million Viets who died when we ran away and let's question how that impacted the way the world looks at us now. let's tell our troops to win and let them know that we appreciate being safer at home. let's tell them they are doing a great job and they are not a failure. let's quit thinking we're right all the time and just try to not be wrong sometimes.


New Member
why don't you go here and really make a difference:

IAVA - Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America - Troops' Charities

let's bring them home with victory instead of loss. let's give meaning to the lost lives by making it a better world instead of a cauldron of hate. let's be glad we have a president who doesn't wake up and decide what to do based on polls and how likely he is to make money with books and at speaking engagements after his term. let's remember the 3million Viets who died when we ran away and let's question how that impacted the way the world looks at us now. let's tell our troops to win and let them know that we appreciate being safer at home. let's tell them they are doing a great job and they are not a failure. let's quit thinking we're right all the time and just try to not be wrong sometimes.
If you think I am against the troops, you are absolutely wrong. It is because I know of these things I speak of ,that I can say Bring them Home. Every jack man one of them would rather be home unless they are some of the crazy mercinary types, there are always a few nut jobs in war, war has a tendecy to make you a little nutty. I doubt very many of the troops that you would bring home would be treated like we were after Viet Nam. Most all thinking persons would consider them heroes, win lose or draw. It's the idiotic must win mindset that is keeping them there. A win for who, Dubya, fuck him, he has already killed enough young Americans for his overinflated cheerleader ego.,.70+%of the American people want the troops to come home and you are calling for them to stay untill we win, you are fucking crazy, just like Your President. I can't understand how you guys sleep at night. I'll bet if it was your ass in Bagdad, you'd be more than happy to call it quits.


Well-Known Member
yeah, that's very rational med. got to hand it to ya!

i can't believe you think our soldiers are pussy ass crybabies that didn't know "Armed Forces" are actualy forces with arms who go out and use them... if i was in bagdad i'd do what i was told and it would be nice to not see so many ignorant hollywood types running around acting like i am a loser wasting my country's money.

your "must lose" mindset is what keeps us going back to fight again and again.


New Member
yeah, that's very rational med. got to hand it to ya!

i can't believe you think our soldiers are pussy ass crybabies that didn't know "Armed Forces" are actualy forces with arms who go out and use them... if i was in bagdad i'd do what i was told and it would be nice to not see so many ignorant hollywood types running around acting like i am a loser wasting my country's money.

your "must lose" mindset is what keeps us going back to fight again and again.
Again I must say, you must be fucking insane, just like your president. And hey mr. crazy, show me where I called our troops "pussy ass crybabies" those are your words, for shame, if I could meet you you would know my wrath. It's guys like you who hide behind your mothers skirts and demand a win situation in a civil war. I believe I'm debating with an Idiot, Fuck all 7X, you are a loser big time


Well-Known Member
saying the troops just want to come home and they are so sad and whatever you're blubbering about is the same thing as calling them pussies. no one wants war but losing is even worse than being in it at all. losing just because it's not easy enough for you to stomach is absolutely insulting to the ones who have died already. we need to get behind the troops and get the gvnmnt to do whatever it takes and win this thing.

you are making this political, you just want "Bush" to lose but this isn't political, this is life and death so fuck your anti-US bullshit. you'll do anything to smear Bush so you can try to bury the filth known as Clinton and that's messed up man, messed up.


New Member
To give Med some credit ... it isn't just he who feels as he does. He's in good company ... Cindy Sheehan, Jane Fonda, Jack Murtha and the entire cadre of Hollyweirdos. I think the average educational level of the lot of them is around the 10th grade or so ... and yet, they portend to be experts in military endevors.




New Member
saying the troops just want to come home and they are so sad and whatever you're blubbering about is the same thing as calling them pussies. no one wants war but losing is even worse than being in it at all. losing just because it's not easy enough for you to stomach is absolutely insulting to the ones who have died already. we need to get behind the troops and get the gvnmnt to do whatever it takes and win this thing.

you are making this political, you just want "Bush" to lose but this isn't political, this is life and death so fuck your anti-US bullshit. you'll do anything to smear Bush so you can try to bury the filth known as Clinton and that's messed up man, messed up.
. I'd sure like to put your cowardly ass in Bagdad for a few weeks, you'd surely see the light. Fuck Bush, He's a lame duck wanker, he has done more to fuck this country in 6 years than anyone before him, including Nixon. I hope you two assholes rot in hell for putting the troops in harms way and not letting them come home. I blame you personally for every death that happens to any troops in Iraq from this day hence. Curse you red Barron, curse you.


New Member
Ahhh, nothing like the politics of hate.

What's the "plan" the Democrats haven't released yet and why haven't they released it?
