The hits just keep on coming!!!


Well-Known Member
While I think this is a horrible developement for those folks, in this case they had ample warning and might have finally presumed that they should either lay low for a couple of years or get into a new line of work. I suppose they may have errantly presumed that the state would shield them - it won't.

Federal prosecutors said the arrests come after the owners of the stores received written warnings about eight months ago that G3’s marijuana business was operating in violation of federal law.


Well-Known Member
Furthermore, I believe the owners were in ongoing litigation both state and fed, fed doesn't like that sort of thing.


Well-Known Member
Oh, that explains why state police officers arrested them and charged them with state offenses. Wait, what?

I don't see anything about state officers or state offenses but fed ones carrying 10 year min life max penalties. Now again, I don't think the Feds have any business dealing with a legitimate business. Suppose for instance, if a Pho restraunt fell below minimum code, should the feds come in and arrest the ngyen family because they weren't in strict compliance with state requirements? Now furthermore, this is the first time in a while I have seen people charged with serious crimes while they were running at least a semblance of a legitimate business, not that it can't happen, not that it won't but most times we see everything confiscated, the landlord threatened, the money taken but the operators go free.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I don't see anything about state officers or state offenses but fed ones carrying 10 year min life max penalties. Now again, I don't think the Feds have any business dealing with a legitimate business. Suppose for instance, if a Pho restraunt fell below minimum code, should the feds come in and arrest the ngyen family because they weren't in strict compliance with state requirements? Now furthermore, this is the first time in a while I have seen people charged with serious crimes while they were running at least a semblance of a legitimate business, not that it can't happen, not that it won't but most times we see everything confiscated, the landlord threatened, the money taken but the operators go free.
The reason for Obama's crackdown on cannabis in California is obvious: There is no political price to be paid for doing it. California is in the bag for Obama and a few pot dealers in the slammer probably helps him with the moral majority type voters, cause drugs are bad, mmkay.


New Member
I think the city, county and state of California bears some liability here. If the city and/or country excepted revenue in the way of use permits and business licenses, they're financially benefiting from a known illegal business.
I would also go as far to say it borders on the line of entrapment, the state of California regulates and collects tax revenue from these businesses, in essence, they entice them to exist.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I think the city, county and state of California bears some liability here. If the city and/or country excepted revenue in the way of use permits and business licenses, they're financially benefiting from a known illegal business.
I would also go as far to say it borders on the line of entrapment, the state of California regulates and collects tax revenue from these businesses, in essence, they entice them to exist.
I agree, the feds entice people into starting a business with the Holder memo, then picks them off at their leisure.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
you get a little giddy every time you see a grower or dispensary get busted.

I get all giggly every time another one of Obama's busts goes down and you and your butt-buddy, AC, jump in to carry the DEA's water for them. It really is quite amusing.

All of these federal raids because the MMJ operators "are not in compliance with state laws", and nary a state police arrest. Ain't it wonderful to have the DEA enforcing state laws; obviously the state is derelict in their duties.


Well-Known Member
Read the comments of that Gary Utters after the article...dick! WTF? Then again I guess a lot of people have such incorrectly skewed views...All I know is that if it doesn't hurt you and it makes you feel better, then it has to be helping...

desert dude

Well-Known Member
rats tend to enjoy seeing growers get busted.

vote for romney, he'll make sure to ramp things up for you.
Poor UB, you all butt hurt now because it is so difficult to stay buried so deep in Obama's colon in the face of all these Holder busts?