the grosset thing u ever did high (reply)


Well-Known Member
lol it was a girl and yes i do have a girlfriend, why the fuck would i use a sock(my hand works fine), i was 50 % drunk 50 % high. i was relly fucked up. lol and all i did was think about it but thank god i dident. and rofl you guys were supposed to post ur grossest shit that happend to u while you were under the influance, hear's ur chance to let it out.

:hump: ~post emm. are u affraid,not like we gonna meet in real life~:hump:


Well-Known Member
Dude you need metnal help, we dont cuase were complaining about your sicko mind. Its people like you that give weed a bad name.


Well-Known Member
i dident do it dip shit i thought about it thats all it was about thats fucking sick. i THOUGTH ABOUT IT dident do it... wierd shit happens when u drink and smoke. sabud i bet in ur life there is some pretty embarassing shit that has happened to u so just let it out common.


Well-Known Member
There's a difference between embarassing and Sick ;)

Anyway ive done embarrasing shit high, i walked home from a party naked.
Ive thrown my bong at my friend who burnt my eye brows off ( more sad than embarasing cause it broke)
ive sliped and feel face first in some chicks "whoo whoo shoot"
ive dont lots of embarasing but fun things while high and drunk or seperate.

As far as sick ive done none i dont have the thoughts of Beastiality in my mind.

Your sick, im funny and embarrasmental


Well-Known Member
lets see...i dont understand weedfeens post? haha are you saying you fucked a ugly nasty slut while high? cause shit Id do that being sober! HAHAHAHA JK...

hmm....lets see...grosset thing ever while being high.....i dropped deuces in this hot chicks panties once at her house party and threw her undies which contained my feces into the crowd ....i fucking split after that....but that was in highschool...