THE GREAT FLUSH DEBATE!! whats ur vote


Active Member


so what im asking is if you do flush how long do you think is the right amount of time.

if you think flushing is a joke please tell me why. and do you feed full nutes tell harvest.

im curently 1 week into flush and if theres no reason for it i wana cut em down.

i want to hear peoples opinion. not peoples opinion on other peoples opinion.

thanks folks.!!


Well-Known Member
Is flushing not determined by the growing medium and the products used during the flowering process? I would think it would be imperative to flush ladies that youve been feeding liquid nute's to increase flowering or the like. Or you could go organic like scrog does and reap tasty nugs!
The amount of nutrient you have added to your girls over time determines the need for a flush or not. The 'recommended' amount on the bottle is always gonna be more than required. (the manufacterers raise the amount you add to ensure the consumer gets a good result, thus buying more). The girls will only use the nutrient as they require it. you cannot force your girls to use more nutrient just because you added more. Too much nutrient will cause... nutrient shock, salts forming on the soil surface, effect your ph, effect your overall yield due to the substandard conditions the girls are in. i have successfully yielded large beautiful dense fruits with only 3/4 strength nutrient solutions and never worried about flushing. Although i only use soil, my ph levels are consistent and the salt formation is minimal. The taste and how the fruit burns when smoked is effected by too much nutrient also, but once again i feel prevention is better than cure. Tend to your girls, don't force em. whether its for cash, pleasure or medical etc... look after em and they will do the same for you.


Well-Known Member
Try it both ways, and decide for yourself. Honestly, I don't. So far I have yet to get any of the weird problems that folks swear they have. I pushed my nutes hard on one grow (1200ppm+) in a DWC setup, no flush. The bud burned to white ash and didn't have mysterious crackling, which everyone goes on about being the big symptoms. I got compliments on how smooth the smoke was, and the potency; from a guy who's been growing for 20+ years. He grows non-organic and never flushes, and he runs scrips for quite a few people. I think it's people that do their first couple grows and haven't worked out their systems yet. Microseeds and bud that hasn't been dried right seem to explain it better than "Didn't flush".

Pretty much, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. If you want to experiment and see which you like better, knock yourself out. It's your weed, grow it how you want. People are very happy with both methods.


Active Member
if u got ur plants super dry the leaves will droop, then water them and u will see them perk up right away because its like a sponge. if its plain water going in your all good, if you got a mix in there thats whats going in so do u want to smoke that shit, i do not. i dont think it matters organic or not i want weed and water not weed and nitrates and everything else. if i grew in all fox farm ocean forest organic i would still flush because stuff beside water is entering the plant. when you got full nugs on a stick and u get a slight yellow to the leaf your plant is showing that its out of what it was absorbing and ur good to go


Well-Known Member
Wash out cheap nutes only such as Mg all purpose $2.79 or Schultz Bloom Plus $6.79.Both of these plant foods are effective but will leave
the soil salty and crusty and make it dry quicker if the ppm is too high.


Well-Known Member
I use a coco/perlite mix. The base nutes I use are synthetic but I use some organic additives. I always flush for about a week with ph'd water.I think the main culprit you wanna watch out for is excessive nitrogen still in the plant when you go to trim. I watered with nutrients all the way to the end once with no flush..and there was a noticeable difference. The leaves stayed pretty green,not much yellowing..and when I smoked the bud it was a little harsher. It also had a hard time staying lit in joints. I did some reading and asking around and the consensus seemed to be that higher levels of nitrogen keep the chlorophyll levels up..which stalls out the ripening process.


Well-Known Member
okay so am i alone on this or have people gotten more retarded since i got back

flushing is like any other aspect of growing done as its deemed necessary, flushing is merely to wash away excess salt build up which is from over feeding the "salt" is the left over chemicals that your plant doesn't use so the last week your girls won't really do a whole lot so you flushing is a precautionary measure to prevent nute burn to much salt can nuke a plant in a very bad way over night the next morning you will have some burnt up shit instead of nice juicy buds alot of novice growers will over feed iv done it everyones done it sometime or another so really if your unsure you can start to flush earlier maybe before ea repot, a mix good for flushing by foxfarm . i don't flush bcuz i watch what i put in iv done it every way humanly possible too much is a waste your plant is only gonna grow so fast more seasoned growers don't flush they monitor with a ppm meter or what have you organics don't flush either and that crap about flushing with molasses that i keep hearing about is wrong too

p.s iv also heard about it ruins your smoke yadda yadda if you let your bud cure for the standard time and don't pick it and microwave it the smoke is fine.

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
IMO it doesn't matter if your nutes are "cheap" or you waste money on H&G/AN. For the most part, salts are salts. The decision to flush is based on how heavily you've fed your plants throughout the grow.

If you're a light feeder and cut back on nitrogen towards the end, you can get away with not flushing.
If you're feeding something like 20-20-20 at an EC of 2.0 all through flower, you're probably going to need to flush.

Nothings really set in stone. A lot of it is situational.


Well-Known Member
I have to say, this is the first flushing thread I've witnessed that hasn't descended into chaos yet. Good job people! Civil discourse FTW!


Active Member
so spex has it timed out perfect and says he doesnt need to flush, this probably means his nutes run out at the very end, same difference, no nutes present at the end, right dude? think about it in simple terms, u want 0 nutes at the end, u can easily give it a flush or you can have it timed out perfect so the nute tank is empty at harvest day, but you dont want to feed it fertile water and go chop it because the shit is entering ur plant. and im not talking starving or over feeding im talking no nitrates in ur bud however u want accomplish it


Well-Known Member
only time i go to the sink and flush if a surprise finish is on top of me

otherwise i start a no food process two weeks from finish i supliment molassesfor food
i use close to organic nutes not all the way organic