the firewater has stripped my sense of decorum bare


Active Member
These are the words, of a man, who regularly finds a state of apathetic hopelesness. The words of a Man, now intent on seeking nothing other than The Edge. Of All Things...

My only anchor is Oscar. The psychotic shitsu wolverine who is as close to me as I assume a son could ever be. 'but he is just a dog' I hear the goon brigade squeal...with glee...with pride...and I wish them ILL. I wish to kill...but only if I can get away with it. There is real hatred here, as well as the bloodlust driving an instinct to destroy. A very Human instinct : DESTROY. Its there. I feel it...but due to the heightened emotive sensitivity resulting from trauma in the nurturing stages of Creature Evolution, and the sense of decency instilled by my dear mother, I have restricted its expressions to solely my OWN life.

Nothing makes sense.

I love to use Burrough's wicked lines...'nothing is certain, anything is possible'...though my hopes and suggestion when I deliver such a line, used to be drenched with positivity....Nothing is certain...Perhaps the purest love of my life will one day be in my arms and we will lose ourselves beautifully in a soft, searing hot cocoon of bliss...But that has changed over the the Now, of : Perhaps someone right now is being burned alive by a vicious lynch mob, in front of his family, for the crime of nothing more than the colour of his skin, or the language he speaks.

Can I ever turn my mind away from such savagery?

Can You?

Brutal Atrocities Perpetutated by humans, on humans. FOr nothing more, than to express, without restraint, that same bloodlust I mentioned I feel i myself, earlier in this 318am rant.

I am not looking for sympathy. Nor friends. I am simply offering up what resides behind my jovial, cruel jester-like demeanour. After the firewater has stripped my sense of decorum bare, and the weed has encouraged my psyche to make pictures with words...