The Effects of my Weed High


So I'm a complete newb when it comes to smoking, I've smoked pot maybe 5 or 6 times in my life.

However, I recently came into possession of smoke, and decided to break out a new little metal pipe. I have talked to a few people, and they say that my high is totally different from theirs.

So last time I smoked about 1/3 of a gram here is the timeline of what happened.

1:47 PM - Smoked the pot.
1:55 PM - Warm feeling in chest and lungs.
2:05 PM - Starting to forget what I previously did minutes ago, shortened attention span
2:20 PM - Heightened hearing, food starts to taste differently,
2:30 PM - Same as before.
2:56 PM - Starting to fade a little bit still feeling warm and short attention span
3:20 PM - Still about the same as 2:56 PM
4:21 PM - Starting to fade.
4:45 PM - Completely sober.

Yet today, I smoked another 1/3 gram, from the same batch. And I didn't get high at all, yet I haven't smoked in a week, so I don't see how I could be building up a tolerance to it.

How does this stack up to your typical sessions?

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
3 hours. Relaxation. Hunger. Enjoying things like food more. Short term memory loss. Warm feeling. Sounds fine to me man.

Happens like that every time....welcome to the best thing on planet earth! Smoke more bro. You'll be good.