The correct soil for repotting


Hello darlings.

I'm about 2 weeks into a CFL closet grow with 2 lowryder 2s coming along nicely. I've got them in homebase own brand John Innes No1 atm. My question is this.

When I come to repot am I OK to use the JI No1 again? I know it's for seedlings but will it adversely affect my grow? I have nutes to add, so lack of nutes won't be a problem.

I also have some homebase own multi-purpose compost. Should I use this to repot? Or should I just put my hands in my pockets and buy John Innes No2 and leave the nutes out for a couple more weeks?

Open to all ideas.



Well-Known Member
just use the soil u allready got , MJ can grow in crappy soil and pretty much anything it is a weed remember.
my brother hes a 5ft mj plant in a claysoil !


Well-Known Member
anything that says its for seedlings will do fine for grown plants , how big are your pots , if your pots are big enuff u can go without nutes until mid flowering stage.


anything that says its for seedlings will do fine for grown plants , how big are your pots , if your pots are big enuff u can go without nutes until mid flowering stage.
Thanks for the reply.

The pots I'm moving them to are 2 gallon. So I guess I could avoid using nutes until..... 6 weeks??

I just figured that john innes no1 would contain less nutes as it was for seedlings, so I would have to top it up with some of the advanced nutrients I've got.