The Community Grow!!!New to the Grow and need help with a Setup and Everything Else

I am new to growing. I have been doing a lot of research. Shout to you already growing and to rollitup!:weed: I was thinking of using a space under my stairs in my laundry room. Of course i was going to build an enclosure to house the ladies. The length is 12ft the width is 3.5ft and the height is about 6ft. There is separate spot for clones also. I was thinking to use 3-4ft for veg. and the remainder for flowering. Is this enough space? I'm not sure how many plants i can fit but i was hoping to veg about 12 plants from seed. Is this enough space? I plan growing in soil. Any help with nutrients would be appreciated as well. A common name I have encountered is Foxfarm. I recently discovered Sensi Grow. Sensi Grow says you dont have to worry about PH and guarantees better everything! Where is the best and most discreet place to order seeds? How do you go about ordering seeds if you live in a state where you cant legally grow? What would be a good lights for my veg room and flower room? I don't quite understand how understand weather to get HPS, MH or flourescents based on my setup. I was told LED's were out of the question due to me being a Newbie! Do you use the same soil mix for vegeative and flower stage? Do you water with Nutrients ever water? Thanks in advance. Time to :joint:
I'm still on my first grow, but I can answer a couple of these questions.

As far as lights go, it depends what you can afford. CFLs are generally cheaper, but HID lighting (MH/HPS) yields a higher lumen output watt for watt, if you get what I'm saying.

If you go with CFL lighting, 5000-6500k is better for veg and 2700-3500k is better for flower.
If you go with HID lighting, MH is better for veg and HPS is better for flower.

My soil mix was pretty basic for my first grow. MG organic soil, perlite, and a little garden lime. I repotted my plants after 2-3 weeks and they've been in those homes ever since. Could've been better I guess, but it's doing the trick anyways.

I wouldn't try to give nutrients too early. I did that and got some serious nute burns here and there from it.


Well-Known Member
yes that's plenty of room for a 3 stage grow, little narrow but plenty long.

if you can afford it get yourself a 600w HID (HPS/MH) for flower and a decent T5HO panel for your vegging plants.

as far as soil goes if you can find a bag of fox farm ocean forest potting soil mix that with equal parts pro-mix soiless mix and a organic fertilizer, epsoma sells a good one for 8 bucks, dump the whole bag in and a bag of perilite and you have a good soil mix that you shouldnt have to feed for most, if not all of the grow. should make it to harvest without needing any more fertilizers.

12 plants may be pushing it for you first grow, maybe start with 5 and take it from there, if you plan on cloning you can always increase your numbers later down the road. get a feel for growing first.

for the inside of the grow space get some "panda film" you can use this to seperate your rooms off and it has a white relfective side which works good.

going to need fans, timers and aluminum ducting. most everything you need you can get on as far as seeds, Attitude seedbank did me well on my first order.