The Birth Of Unicorns On Earth Of The Ship.


Well-Known Member
You may not understand my story.
I speak to you out of my glory,
and that's it.
I do not claim to understand it.
But I took a journey listening to my heart.
And this is what I ended up with.

My christmas was terrible,
on the night of december 24th I started smoking hash and began my journey.
I have been high for three days straight since christmas.
On christmas morning the earth put it's power into me.
I awoke and I was jesus.
I gave out my disease.
the devil got sympathy for not being able to love,
the angel got everything,
the devils angel got eternity,
I chose the building blocks correctly,
I ate nothing but bacteria and herbs,
and walked among everybody while they stood around waiting for me in department stores,
I was there pointing the finger at evil,
I saw with eyes unclosed to the tapestry,
and blended together two sides of the mind,
the left and the right,
through good and evil.
I filled my place among the gods by silencing the message you shall not be as gods.
I climbed to the top of mount olympius and joined the side of the two brothers who share everything.
They needed a third party member to watch them create the mud of life in which I deal.
I watched them carefully like no other and they got equal halfs of the earth they created.
The three devils sat around the table and balanced everything.
Good got one half, evil got the other.
The black powder was given to me with an instruction.
He said it was black dust,
the creation tool,
the opposite of white powder,
many before had used it,
but he left me to it telling me what it was.
I saw in my own mind what marijuana truely is,
being the aquarius I came and beared water and watched the secrets of the two brothers creating life.
I purchased my quarter, 4.5, for order.
He told me the mud can be used to create anything, bricks and people.
He also told me to crush it with my house.
I sat inside my laboratory with my utensils of creation, I used fire, water, air and earth to create life. I sat there for several clicks in time untill I added together love ( the heart), temptation ( alcohol), substance ( pineapple ) and used human hands to mold them.
I used the tool I stole from the devil,
the white man that tries to steal life but won't make it.
I created my image in the mud of the creators,
as the aquarius and water bringer,
I bring back to you what the ark lost in the first place, so we became nameless.
I bring you the unicorn.

The pictures will come soon,
they are black hash unicorns,
made of glass hash,
they are made from forging the sands of creation,
the trichomes of the plant marijuana that are the plants sand, which comes in the colour of black and is used as magic powder to spread life and enlightenment.

People of rollitup,
I bring you the black glass unicorn.
created with my own mind.