the bigger the better???? take a look please.


Well-Known Member
my last grow was in 2 gallon grow bags, from the local hydro....i have a 10 by 10 room. i hung a 400 and a 600hps above. i also am using 4 - 4 foot 2 tube floros to give some side light. and 2 100 watt hps lamps to shine into the thickest area...

im wondering , this time im growing for size. last time i had 65 plants so i didnt let em get over 4 1/2 feet tall. this time im gonna grow in 30 gallon buckets and im only growing 3 or 4 plants...will there be a noticable size difference due to the extra 400 watts hps and the 30 gal. buckets?

i got 5 feet easy from 2 gallon grow bags and harvested about 3 oz per plant....more on some. but no less than 3 oz per plant. im wondering if it will be better growing 3 to the biggest possible......i had 2 litre bottle size colas in 2 gal bags. im hoping for better this time...


Well-Known Member
the 30 gallon pot will give you more plant and buds. you might want to LST them as soon as they break ground you will be amazed at how much bud you get


Well-Known Member
thanks. the only problem ive had with the lst is that i like having larger denser nugs and when i tie down branches it causes the bud sites to grow strait up, creating tons of little buds rather than large ones...


Well-Known Member
thanks. the only problem ive had with the lst is that i like having larger denser nugs and when i tie down branches it causes the bud sites to grow strait up, creating tons of little buds rather than large ones...
i hear ya but it all comes down to wheight!!! if u sell ur weed, ur not gonna get more for it cuz its bigger, nor will it last u longer if u jus smoke it...lsting will give u more weight plus ur big cola that u like has a big fukkin stem that runs up it


Well-Known Member
yeah. im going from 60 plants in 2 gallon bags. to 6 plants in 30 gallon buckets...lst will help me to get as much light in there as possible right? i was growing my plants to about 4 ft max. the sativas topped 7 feet. but this time im gonna veg for 2 or 3 months rather than 6 weeks like usual. im interested to see the difference.


the 30 gallon pot will give you more plant and buds. you might want to LST them as soon as they break ground you will be amazed at how much bud you get
I don't mean to stear away from the orriginal post...but I'm wondering what LST stands for??


Well-Known Member
no prob. lst is low stress training. when you tie down branches and shit to utilize space and light., can get some amazing shit from lst...


Active Member
I'm most certain that your plants will get much bigger/stronger/more yield in the bigger containers. I've got 5 going right now. 3 are in pots twice the size of the other 2. Those 3 are about double the size compared to the 2 in the smaller container.


Well-Known Member
When you LST and top, def trip the lower buds so you don't get any of that popcorn. If you pulled 3 oz a plant X 65, 12 pounds..... Im not following. FInd some good journals like MBlaze's trees, 1st LST + by XxNinjaxX. If you veg for 2-3 months def LST the shit out of them
Try and get there main branches all spread out so the stuff in the middle fills it out. All around. Try and create a nice wide, somewhat even canopy on the plant as it continues to grow. Trim lover growth 1/4- 1/3 of lower growth. I do it over time...... Im interested......


Well-Known Member
yeah check out my grow journal. its called jordisgardens multi strain grow. i grew super skunk, violator kush, skunk x haze, white ice, white widow, g13x haze, and a couple northern lights plants...i stopped my journal towards the end because you could smell the shit 40 feet from my front door. it was a lot of work. id never grow that many at once again. i was spending 3 hours a night working on em. there are a bunch of pics on here of the grow, check it out....i basically know what im doing im just trying to get those little nugs of info that will help next time around. im thinking if i grow not so many ill be able to put my time into taking care of em and have it not take up my whole life.


Well-Known Member
yeah it was stinky...i would have top spend all morning in the grow watering pruning tying up shit etc... and when id walk into my pharmacy everyone would be like.........DAMD did a skunk run through here....a few people figured out my shit just by the smell of my clothes...i had to go super stealth in the end and hide till it was done


Well-Known Member
Im not trying to be a dick here at all...... I looked at your journal. I didn't see any 2 liter bottle sized colas, or plants that had 3 ounces a piece on them, nor a 12 + pound yield...... were you exaggerating a little bit?


Well-Known Member
as soon as the smell hit my front walk way i stopped posting. i got so paranoid that i was gonna get busted that i got my pc out of my house and just finished off the harvest without pictures or even talking about it. if you look at the last post i posted youll notice the plants werent even close to done, then i just was deffinitly not an exaggeration i just got worried that all the talking and pictures was gonna get me caught. when i planted 60 seeds i had no idea what i was in store for.....but if you had half a brain dickhead youd notice i just dropped off the earth. so your right 2 weeks into flower i didnt have a 2 litre cola. but 40 days after my last post i did. not that it matters what you think..


Well-Known Member
No it really doesn't matter what I think.... the explanation was good. I was just hoping to see the big buds etc.... and the 12 lb yield off that setup........


Well-Known Member
Still no response..... Why would I assume what your suggesting when you "dropped off earth", The fact that you stopped posting in your journal would not make me think you got a huge harvest. Looks like you were running about 1500ws of light flowering.... 3 ounces per plant X 60 plants=5,040 grams. 3.36 gpw....... You are obviously telling the truth.......... I haven't noticed a whole lot of pathological liars on here.......... until......................................