its a hobby honey !
Hey thought i would have a look round and found the introduction room I have been a lifetime smoker of both the erb and the dreaded tobacco having been clean of any cigs for well over a year Have since got on the health mid life
crisis kick I feel i need to go big with production to start eating it as apposed to inhaling. This has proved to be a bigger challenge than first thought I got into mediating (self-hypnosis) and find the body high to help dramatically.
So from the top I am here to grow big organic buds to turn into delicious foods.
I like the constant haze of weed it does not impair my life it complements it .
Now all i have to do is get my edible meds dialed in
I have a couple of weeks of stash left
then 24 hrs of cleaning the place out lighters papers bong (not mine ) will use the script i have been working on and tell myself to forget to smoke ANYTHING.
Now before you reach for the jacket with the long sleeves i know the sound of a straight jacket buckles lol
It worked for ciggy s i forgot what the addiction felt like and for a while forgot i smoked AT ALL leaving me the desired break from chronic nicotine addiction . The weed thing will be a slightly different tac but also highly effective. In fact this bizarre chain of events have led me to fundamentally change my life i eat differently i exercise differently i think differently .
I like playing games to make my self more at peace in my life after doing some thought and getting the mute button on my key board to stand out some more. I can mute almost any Advert on line(don't own a tv).Its fucking great who can honestly say they went a whole week month year !!!! without hearing or seeing some bullshit advert for some shit i don't need with money i don't have . It might sound a tad strange but i enjoy the challenge of taking my life back one battle at a time .
like the ever increasing questions before you finally get to pay WHAT TH FUCK IS ALL THAT you know soon there will be a chair at the fucking check out and you will have to sit through a 20 min time share pitch before they they let you spend your money(10c a buck for credit/debit of-course ).
I know i can battle this with random act of kindness .
fuck you and your invasive intrusive corporate piece of shit prying into my life ,.oh and one of my faves when i get grilled for all the data mining crap ,you just have to exchange question for question.
"Can i have your zip code "? Yes i will it swap it for your phone number ..... hey its perfectly ok to ask me a personal question but the shoe can never be on the other foot F%#k That sh%t
So yes a little different but pacifist on the whole.
Cant own a gun and wouldn,t anyway they don't like the English having them here for some reason they think were nucking futs as a country LOL which explains everything >
ps i will only except the statement that something is the best ,biggest ,longest ,in the whole world with some fucking proof .
crisis kick I feel i need to go big with production to start eating it as apposed to inhaling. This has proved to be a bigger challenge than first thought I got into mediating (self-hypnosis) and find the body high to help dramatically.
So from the top I am here to grow big organic buds to turn into delicious foods.
I like the constant haze of weed it does not impair my life it complements it .
Now all i have to do is get my edible meds dialed in
I have a couple of weeks of stash left

Now before you reach for the jacket with the long sleeves i know the sound of a straight jacket buckles lol
It worked for ciggy s i forgot what the addiction felt like and for a while forgot i smoked AT ALL leaving me the desired break from chronic nicotine addiction . The weed thing will be a slightly different tac but also highly effective. In fact this bizarre chain of events have led me to fundamentally change my life i eat differently i exercise differently i think differently .
I like playing games to make my self more at peace in my life after doing some thought and getting the mute button on my key board to stand out some more. I can mute almost any Advert on line(don't own a tv).Its fucking great who can honestly say they went a whole week month year !!!! without hearing or seeing some bullshit advert for some shit i don't need with money i don't have . It might sound a tad strange but i enjoy the challenge of taking my life back one battle at a time .
like the ever increasing questions before you finally get to pay WHAT TH FUCK IS ALL THAT you know soon there will be a chair at the fucking check out and you will have to sit through a 20 min time share pitch before they they let you spend your money(10c a buck for credit/debit of-course ).
I know i can battle this with random act of kindness .
fuck you and your invasive intrusive corporate piece of shit prying into my life ,.oh and one of my faves when i get grilled for all the data mining crap ,you just have to exchange question for question.
"Can i have your zip code "? Yes i will it swap it for your phone number ..... hey its perfectly ok to ask me a personal question but the shoe can never be on the other foot F%#k That sh%t
So yes a little different but pacifist on the whole.
Cant own a gun and wouldn,t anyway they don't like the English having them here for some reason they think were nucking futs as a country LOL which explains everything >
ps i will only except the statement that something is the best ,biggest ,longest ,in the whole world with some fucking proof .