the beginning of root rot?

what up all? I plan on H202ing my res tomorrow night, to help clean up the res. DOES THIS LOOK LIKE ROOT ROT? Or is some browning expected here and there. Thanks guys. P.s. my first CFL/Bubble so take it easy!! haha

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Active Member
That is for sure from your clay balls. LOL. That color is coming from your hydroton. Nothing to worry about. If you are concerned you can rinse them off with the appropriate water. Remember no tap water.


Well-Known Member
Like windy said, discoloration isn't necessarily a sign that it's root
rot as there are many different additives and such that can change
the colors. The best way to tell is to look for a slime on your roots
and see how they smell. If it smells like dying ass, it's probably root
Alright!!! Thanks fellas!! I have the res at about 72 degrees, which i know is on the warmer side. (I will be using a larger rubber maid with extra insulation starting tomorrow) I already put in an ice pack every 10 hours or so, but Im on it. Yeah the res doesnt smell and I am using Fox Farm which will turn the roots a brown color. I do appreciated the help, thanks fellas. PEACE



Active Member
JUst to echo what the others have said (because the more confirmation the better you feel) it looks like it's from the hydroton. I actually had the same issue. Panicked for a day or two until I realized what was going on =P