The Aristocrats


Well-Known Member
Heres the rules for those who dont know how to play:

"The Aristocrats" is a longstanding transgressive joke amongst comedians, in which the setup and punchline are almost always the same (or similar). It is the joke's midsection — which may be as long as the teller prefers and is often completely improvised — that makes or breaks a particular rendition.
The joke involves a person pitching an act to a talent agent. Typically the first line is, "A man walks into a talent agent's office." The man then describes the act. From this point, up to (but not including) the punchline, the teller of the joke is expected to ad-lib the most shocking act they can possibly imagine. This often involves elements of incest, group sex, graphic violence, defecation, coprophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, child sexual abuse and various other taboo behaviors.
The joke ends with the agent, shocked and often impressed, asking "And what do you call the act?" The punchline of the joke is then given: "The Aristocrats". Also the use of a specific act cant be said twice. Check out this version of bob saget's "the aristocrats",

So heres what will happen, ill start the joke and give the first action, then everyone subsequently will give another detailed act that isnt the same as any already writen, and so on and on untill theres nothing left to say.

So this man is walking down the street and he sees a talent agency so he decides to walk in. The man sits down at the talent agents desk and says, "Sir i have the best act youve ever seen in your life." The talent agent responds, "I hardly believe it, what can you do?" To which the man elaborates:
"Well it would start off by the curtin being pulled up to reveal me inserting my whole left leg into this guys ass...