THC WORMS... Who has the REAL story?

Whats the deal with the Orange little worms found in freshish outdoor buds? - searched many forums, seeing MANY people getting mocked for talking about them. - am not claiming they "get you high", but they DO exist. - am sure there is a proper name for them, and am almost positive they do not get you high. - am positive they must inhabit other plants as well. But - have to know? What are they? What is the story? What are they actually feeding on?

- have seen many pictures from folks showing there "thc worms" that were not what - am talking about. One was actually a large mealworm, kinda funny, he might have deserved a little mocking. These are small and bright orange, with a tiny brownish round head, you can google image it and find them.

A big FUCK YOU to all the assholes who were being ruthless to folks talking about them. It wasn't "rotten weed" (it was DANK), they didn't get ripped off (at least not from -). They were just little orange worms that were not leaving noticeable trails or feces, and inhabiting DANK. - know Santa Clause and The Easter Bunny might have been a let down for you, but just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it ain't out there.

So, years ago - was living in the midwest and planting clones of White Widow and Bubbleberry x Big Bud in open Hay Fields. These fields were no longer in operation, but still held some hay, along with thorns and various other plants. The soil was SUPER black spongey rich soil. After getting through the first 1/2 inch with a spade, - could just grab an inch or two and rip it from the ground with bare hands. Sand was lightly mixed in, as a river ran around the field, which flooded from time to time and washed up sand. (Luckily it never flooded while - plants were out there.) The field was rectangular, super remote, clear of trees East and West. ALL day sun, - still get nostalgic thinking about how beautiful and perfect that place was. But then, - turned 18 and got the fuck out of the Midwest,.

- would plant about 16 clones every year, and get around a LB or so dried buds ( - parents appreciated - financial independence), with minimal effort (4-5) visits from transplant to harvest. - would spot maybe 30-40 or so in the LB, without effort, just making out 1/8s and 1/4s. So, - seen over 100 of these things. They never dominated a bag, it was just you MIGHT get 1 or 2 in a bag, most of the time not.

- personally never smoked them. - am a catch and release kinda guy. Many friends did, but shit man, - were 15 years old. Don't hate.

So, who has the real info on these little things? Even the HIGHTIMES articles - found on these seemed like the author had NO CLUE of what - and other posters were talking about. The author described a completely different worm he suspected it was, and admitted never having actually seen them.

Perhaps it is a midwest thing?

Yeah, - typing just rolls on and on.
I saw big foot on one of my buds and i was going to call monster quest to let them come catch it but i thought they would just want all my buds instead so i didnt..

pics or gtfo :D

edit: didnt mean to sound mean :P
012 (4).jpghmmm never had worms like that just fatass pillars that love to chomp my top colas! heres a pic of one bite outa a nug lol
I used to get outdoor from Iowa and it had a lot of the little orange worms in it. A lot of kids used to smoke them in college because they thought since they lived off of the weed, they would get you high. They are bad for the bud. They eat the weed and will eventually rot out the buds and stems. And I've smoked them a couple of times on purpose(when I first found out about them) and a couple of times on accident and they taste so bad that I almost threw up each time. I doubt they get you high at all, but I don't really know because every time I smoked one I was already fucked up.
The post on this forum by SrPhatness, is the worm - speak of, and am seeing a consistency of in this discussion.

Yeah, this was in Iowa. WTF?

- never did smoke them. - didn't notice damage to the buds. But - was like 16.

Medical Grade, it's alright man, - knew what - was getting into throwing up this post. Luckily - don't have any kind of name around here to tarnish.
- am just so curious, - couldn't help but throw this up in hopes someone would have a name for this thing. The jokes were def expected. Possibly deserved.

If someone can give a real name to these things, and any real info about them, you are the first = have seen. No one else seems to know.

The name "THC worm" instantly throws it into the Big Foot category, but there are definitely people agreeing upon a small (rice grain sized), BRIGHT orange worm inhabiting buds.
Some say in dirt, some say in dank, some say gets you high, some say not. Consistent though, is grain sized bright orange. - will add that they have tiny brownish round heads.
Some of the pics around are acurate.

Someone out there has the info on these...
What uuuup.

I had a small outdoor plot in Illinois 2 years ago. It was nearly a waste because of these fuckers!
This is a link to a pdf i found relative to this subject if you'd like to check it out in depth.
Im sure there are many families of insects that can create similar problems, but this article is on Lepidoptera (Butterfly)

Here's the quickie on these suckers.
Host insects lay eggs on or into the plant. Once larva hatches it instinctively burrows into the plants stem and trunk system. The larva feed on the plant fibers from the inside. The larger they grow the more they consume. Eventually they will eat away enough fibers so that the plant cannot properly transport water and nutrients to the damaged area

Personal experience with them,
I had entire healthy branches die and fall from the damage closer to the trunk.
They love to eat they're way to the cylax, where a seed may grow. this is why they are so concentrated in the buds. (or maybe they like to get high)
This also causes most of the damage be to the once beautiful buds.
I first noticed them in.... i'd say early-mid august. they only get worse and increase in size and number.
They provoke mold and the rotting of buds.
I harvested earlier than planned in order to save my plants that have been under siege.
My buddies and I trimmed the plants and decided we would not cure any for use. There were just too many worms crawling around. A dry Oz. would of had 2 dozen worms in it.
So what we ended up doing was roughly going through the buds and picking out what worms we could find. After that, we used every part of the plant, including buds, and made a shit-ton of canna-oil.
And my worms were very orange... like really, the color of an orange. and the largest ones were about 3/4 in. or 2cm.
just another pest that likes buds.Buy greenhouse or indoor,or put up the pest screens...Outdoor sucks,theres just too much nasty pests that like camping out on buds.
Allegedly it is in the silkworm family, one that supposedly gets its different color from what it eats, cannabis, and the 'myth' is it's silk is super saturated in THC so people say smoke them, or at least smoke the silk.

I wouldn't do either.
