THC production?


Hey peepz! Sorry for posting this thread here, but I posted it in the newbie section and didn't get any responses, so I figure I would try asking the experts in the adavanced forum...I was just wondering if anyone on here knew when all the thc production really begins? is it in the last few weeks? My girls are in their 6th week of flowering...there is thc production, but not enough so I'm a little worried...and their white widow too. From all the pics that I've seen of white widow, the thc production is Krrrazy! so hopefully within a couple of girls will be frosty white haha. Anywayz, I hope someone can answer this question, that would be much appreciated...thanx and Happy growing everyone!!!


Well-Known Member
Could be a number of things contributing to low resin production. At 6 weeks your white widow buds should already be frosty with resin. It could be nutrients or lack thereof, genetics, low light, heat stress.

A little more information is needed to help you figure out the issue. What type of lights, nutrients, grow medium, soil or hydro, is the environment kept constant. This is probably the reason you did not get an answer before.:joint: