Thanks TGA


Active Member
Thank you for being the breeders you are. I'm pleased to pass on, out of 10 Jillybean seeds, I was blessed with 7 females, who all look healthy and could pass like clones.
I topped them once, and they are loving my 600 hps, and being in flower.
I just wanted to shout out a thanks for doing what you do.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for taking the time to let me know trust me it never gets old to hear we get it right!
Looking forward to hearing more great things.



Well-Known Member
I'll throw in my 2cents worth too.
I ordered 10 JTR. I also had received several Greenhouse Seed Co. beans as well. My JTR are all viable and the two I germed popped in less that 24hrs in a paper towel. The 4 Greenhouse beans were germed at the same time, but they never popped... Not one F!@king BEAN! My buddy loves GHS and tried to convince me to not order JTR, but I had a feeling that a small business is an honest down to earth business. I was not disappointed with TGA. Plus there is not Danker cannabis anywhere else that I've ever seen. GHS in the other hand is like the Wal-mart of cannabis seeds IMO and they have forgotten how to either pick good beans or they just don't care about their American customers and possibly even have people working for them that don't know anything about cannabis. Thanks to Subcool and the crew for being LEGIT!


Well-Known Member
I got a 10 pack of Chernobyl & 3 Vortex seeds

Germinated 2 Chernobyl's and one Vortex and all 3 germinated just fine

And had the pleasure of meeting the TGA crew in SF at the Expo and they are a great group of people

I will be testing more of his strains as my garden allows in the future for now it's TGA all the way