Thanks for all the input. got the loupe and the mj horticulture indoor outdoor bible.

this one mysterious plant that i grew a seed from and was female is my second plant. my third is a wonder woman, fourth will be slee stack, fifth another sleestack and then white widow white skunk and super silver hays.....more pics...first three are of the branch that got knocked down by fan and is premature. Honestly i cant tell the difference. the rest are of them on the plant still. the last four are of wonder woman. strain i would recommend to anyone that likes knock out weed.. so its still growing. are pics with web cam and 30 power. thanks again for all responses. i will get more direct questions as i come across. heres my current list
!. so leaves on a flowering plant will fall of or kind of fade away or turn yellow that is natural.
2.I have two plants growing hyrdo that are way light green only using water at the moment. why are they that color?
i think thats it for now you guys are fucken awesome.

