Thailand Passing new Medical Law


Well-Known Member
Sawadi Kap!

Anyone else here in Thailand? The Cabinet passed a new draft bill which will sail through the rest of the government. To allow for home medical grows, commercial/business medical grow licensing as well as export/import licensing. This is a huge development and the first such liberalization in SE Asia. I would love to discuss opporunities with anyone here. These are very exciting times with perhaps a lot of opportunity.
Sawadi Kap!

Anyone else here in Thailand? The Cabinet passed a new draft bill which will sail through the rest of the government. To allow for home medical grows, commercial/business medical grow licensing as well as export/import licensing. This is a huge development and the first such liberalization in SE Asia. I would love to discuss opporunities with anyone here. These are very exciting times with perhaps a lot of opportunity.
Grow your heart out brother! Its legal for me too and it still doesnt even feel real.
The country with the most reliable government ever!
The only thing Thailand is good for, is a nice holiday.
Yes, they make fine silk as well.
They also grow a lot of rice
But doing business with the silk or the rice traders is a whole new ball game.
Their food is delicious, and not only enjoyed by hipsters. But most hipsters who eat it in Thailand are tourists.

The country is run by the military and they are corrupt as hell.
So are local governments, policemen, notaries, land offices, you name it.

And they change rules and laws with the snap of their fingers.
Yes, they make fine silk as well.
They also grow a lot of rice
But doing business with the silk or the rice traders is a whole new ball game.
Their food is delicious, and not only enjoyed by hipsters. But most hipsters who eat it in Thailand are tourists.

The country is run by the military and they are corrupt as hell.
So are local governments, policemen, notaries, land offices, you name it.

And they change rules and laws with the snap of their fingers.
You know they do that same shit here in America and Canada right.
HUGE news for Asia. As far as I know its basically death to do drugs over there if you are caught by the wrong person. Or at least a good canning.

Funny how some people on here HATE no matter what. Even huge news like this which is great for asian mmj community.

I'm thinking they are unhappy with themselves and can't take self responsibility so try to get mad at others and can't enjoy anything. What clowns.
What is funny that you are calling people clowns, while you yourself have no clue what you are talking about.
The death penalty for possessing drugs is not a Thai thing. (legally it is possible, but it is a long long time ago they did it)
You can go to jail for it however, and people still have to do time for it.
Because the rules for growing or possessing marihuana are still unclear. It is allowed for medical purposes, but it is not clear how one can proof that you need it in a medical way.
Probably the police will give a medical status to whoever pays for it. This is Thailand.

Thailand is a fake democracy and criticizing them has nothing to do with hate.
It is a lovely country but there is so much wrong there.
If you took the trouble to follow the news, you'd see tens of thousands of people taking to the streets every day demanding more democracy and better laws.
What is funny that you are calling people clowns, while you yourself have no clue what you are talking about.
The death penalty for possessing drugs is not a Thai thing. (legally it is possible, but it is a long long time ago they did it)
You can go to jail for it however, and people still have to do time for it.
Because the rules for growing or possessing marihuana are still unclear. It is allowed for medical purposes, but it is not clear how one can proof that you need it in a medical way.
Probably the police will give a medical status to whoever pays for it. This is Thailand.

Thailand is a fake democracy and criticizing them has nothing to do with hate.
It is a lovely country but there is so much wrong there.
If you took the trouble to follow the news, you'd see tens of thousands of people taking to the streets every day demanding more democracy and better laws.
It doesn’t matter, yes I know it can be a shit show over there not saying it isn’t.
But I also think that anywhere in Asia legalizing it in any means is a big step forward.

maybe I’m an idiot but we are talking about weed not currupt politicians here.