tga high yield early harvest


Well-Known Member
I have read the tga list in his Web page and everything but I'm wondering from you outdoor heads like myself ...what strain have you had the best luck with in terms of weight and harvest time. ..I need a finish as early as possiable due to the crazy weather I deal with....the latest I can go is early to mid October ...sooner is better...I already have locomotion and cheesequake but I'm trying to decide on another's potable between a.o or Jesus og...but if anyone has had a particular strain they really like in terms I describe please let me know...I would sacrifice a couple weeks for better quality ...if it's much better...I'm making an order this week so the sooner the better...thank you

Amos Otis

Well-Known Member
TGA says that 3D has the fastest finishing time, without sacrificing yield, and is made from their early flagship lines. Just flipped 5 a week ago, so no personal exp yet.

Timewreck and JIlly Bean have both been big yielders for me, as have some Chernobyls, but not all. Same with Ripped Bubba. My Agent Orange and Ace of Spades all yielded above avg.

I've never ran a TGA bean that went longer than 9 weeks, but all were run inside.


Well-Known Member
3d def yields less than jillybean, i have grown both outdoors, def the jillybean is better in all aspects. Ive made like seeds of it 5 yrs or so ago and to these date run both of them outdoors, since i just started growing indoors im running them indoors and my new strains outdoors. Jillybean was my personal fav the yield is well above average. I have also grown querkle, cheesequake, growing one of each now of jesus og and timewreck. Lovin the timewreck, still have a few weeks.
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Well-Known Member
Iv had a couple ppl recommend chernobyl. Says it's pretty rockin...9 weeks isn't bad...I k kw outdoor times are sometimes different than indoor...I have been looking at a.o for awhile ...shit looks so good and I'm a big fan of the smells described


Well-Known Member
I have seen a lot more indoor jolly bean than outdoor for sure....well a lot more indoor all together when it comes to tga...but I'm all outdoor from April on so that's what I need to figure out


Well-Known Member
I have seen a lot more indoor jolly bean than outdoor for sure....well a lot more indoor all together when it comes to tga...but I'm all outdoor from April on so that's what I need to figure out
Id go wd both jilly and 3d, mine got hit with rain while flowering, humid gets from 70-90 outdoors, other plants get spidermites infestation while both was easy and manageable growing outdoors. Im not in US btw. I wouldnt worry about flowering time, they finish early. I dont really count how long they finish though. I wish i have more of both seeds. I couldnt keep any males due to space.


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Well-Known Member
I'm on the east side of the u.s ...almost directly across from the emerald triangle reigon...if u draw a straight line from it you almost hit my area...which strains r u taking about jb right


Well-Known Member
Really like Chernobyl - don't know how it would do outdoors but it's a nice line. Great flavor and smell and good potency. Find a real winner and it would be a for life keeper IMO. Getting a bunch more packs to hunt for a real winner winner winner. All the plants I had were very good though no disappointment at all.

I've read Querkle is a good one outdoors.


Well-Known Member
I grew jilly last summer outside, had a few different phenos, the indica leaning one definately was an above average yielder of below average potency weed. Smelled like someone drank a dozen too many screwdrivers and puked. The buds had a faint orangey, sour, vomit like smell. They purpled up nicely prior to any really cold weather.

I know the picture quality sucks, as it was taken with my tablet, but you can see they become purple, then nearly black when the temps drop.



Well-Known Member
That looks pretty man...but it wasn't very strong?! Shit that's no good...I'm hoping this locomotion is some killer...I really like the sound if a.o and Jesus og....but I would like some input from ppl who grow tga outdoors and kinda know what to expect so I appreciate everyone's input


Well-Known Member
Im pretty sure u can find a lot of tga strains on the search engine. They use to have killer strains im not sure if its the same though, havent purchased any tgas lately.


Well-Known Member
Check out the Locomotion Mendo Dope grew outdoor this year. Their YouTube channel has the whole grow documented, and they have since said it was there favorite of all the strains they grew. All TGA gear in their garden, except for a Vanilla Kush they like. Cheers!

ky man

Well-Known Member
I bought 3 different packs of TGA seeds and they are the smallest seeds I have ever sean and just a guess but I don't think aney of them will sprout.if you need to know the strains I can post them 4 you any time so just,,,,,,,,,,ps one is deep purple...querkle.......sorey it was just two packs of shit looking seeds from TGA.that was just 2 weeks ago.the company I bought them from is a HONEST company in the usa JAMESBEAN and I liked the othere seeds I got from that company so I would recomed them.please forgive my bad spelling for I went to work at age 15 then becam a grower.